I'm fine underwater and have no issues with tight spaces .....
These kids have no experience swimming, no scuba experience, have been trapped in a cave for two weeks!
Thai officials initially claimed they wouldn't risk the boys lives trying to extract them. Now it appears they can't wait for the cavalry, SpaceX, to save them. I know the weather is an issue but this appears rushed to me.
God help them ...
The SpaceX engineers have an interesting idea ....
Maybe worth trying: insert a 1m diameter nylon tube (or shorter set of tubes for most difficult sections) through cave network & inflate with air like a bouncy castle. Should create an air tunnel underwater against cave roof & auto-conform to...
These kids have me completely captivated.
Metaphorically .... sometimes we find ourselves in a deep, dark place with no foreseeable way out.
I've literally been praying for them everyday.
Elon Musk has sent a team to Thailand to help in the rescue effort.
Godspeed ....
Most of us have learned that the $printer is a peculiar little beast. Local shops are ok for a few things but it really depends. I wouldn't recommend going to a local shop for something as common as changing the transmission fluid. On my NCV3 if the torque converter isn't drained properly ...
Yes, of course I understood the point made .. I simply disagree with it.
On the second point .. now you sound like you're smoking pot with that hippie peace, love, we're all gonna get along stuff. I'm too cynical for that. The Boy Scouts can't make up their minds if they're boys anymore...
We can't take back decades of decay.
Drug use ... pot, coke, heroin, crack, meth, opioids .... etc ..
Moral behavior ... pre martial sex, divorce, abortion, homosexuality, gender confusion .. etc ...
So how do we protect our citizens?
And due to all of this ... guns are no longer safe to be consumed & handled by the public at large.
I understand there are as sorts of ways wackos will find ways to kill people. This method is too easy.
Ban guns.
Got lucky on that one. Pulled off into either a rest area or parking area, can't remember which, just before Ogden ...
less than a minute later I hear it comin' ..