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  1. jaminjim

    Forum Question

    You mean that?
  2. jaminjim

    Forum Question

    Ya mean this? :D
  3. jaminjim

    fdcc info

    There is a lot of the FedEx hauling their different Divisions stuff. Just happens that the other Divisions are hauling the FedEx CC stuff.
  4. jaminjim

    SlushBusters Work!

    Oh my I knew someone would fall for that... but the OVM. Shame on you.
  5. jaminjim

    SlushBusters Work!

    Unfortunately State law prohibits their use on non regulated vehicles. Can only be used on trucks greater than 26,000 Lbs.
  6. jaminjim

    Security Tape

    A little over two hours went by before someone mentioned that, shame on the rest of you for answering the question. No one except for the three parties involved know anything about the load. Could have been a Favor load or a great load or something in between. Some people take pride in...
  7. jaminjim

    Stiffed on FSC

    Well we have two different examples in the same thread. One for hand unloading, and one for no FSC. My comments were in regard to the hand unload causing his FSC to be reduced. As far as talking to Contractor Relations, as most people know there are some VERY helpful people in that department...
  8. jaminjim

    Stiffed on FSC

    I would think they would if you told them what happened. After all they they state that 100% of of the fsc is paid to the o/o.
  9. jaminjim

    If I have a concern

    Guess it depends on the Company you're with.
  10. jaminjim

    If I have a concern

    I think it is a little bit of blowing off steam, and a way to get others opinions and at the same time see if they can get an answer to the question. You can't always call some Carriers and get the correct answer, and that is a shame.
  11. jaminjim

    Stiffed on FSC

    Thats when you ask to see the bill for the PRO.
  12. jaminjim

    The Best of YOU Tube

    Heres one for you. YouTube - Dragon Man's range in CO. (Bump-firing)
  13. jaminjim

    Obama's New Emi$$ion $tandard$

    OVN said: there has to be someone watching the hen house....besides the wolf! *L* Oh great, a politician going to watch out for me, unless he's to bored then he will get a bureaucrat from the EPA to watch.
  14. jaminjim


    Not sure if you are in the industry, or just on the "trucker boards" but having miles shaved by your Carrier is not the "norm" in Expediting. And equally as important what makes you think that a "C" unit would run any where near $0.86 per mile and make a profit? Not agreeing nor...
  15. jaminjim

    Rig Master

    Just wondering out load, how many Drivers, Fleet Owners, and Truck companies stopped their plans to add an APU to the truck because of compliance issues with the Californyouknowwhat Carb regulations.
  16. jaminjim

    Co Driver using CLink

    All Regulations Part 395 < 395.7 395.10 > Question 1: How should a change of duty status for a short period of time be shown on the driver’s record of duty status? Guidance: Short periods of time (less than 15 minutes) may be identified by drawing a line from the appropriate...
  17. jaminjim

    Caterpillar to cut 20,000 jobs

    Are you calling him Gay?? tisk tisk
  18. jaminjim

    Caterpillar to cut 20,000 jobs

    USA, which part of the trucking industry are you in? It will help me formulate my response. Turtle, I'm sure your facts are well researched (please take note Chef) but I prefer that California not be the one leading the way for me. Not that all of their ideas are wrong/bad, but they have enough...
  19. jaminjim

    Caterpillar to cut 20,000 jobs

    Lastly, I have read a common theme on this and other trucking boards about government (state and federal) moves to increase fuel economy standards and clean air rules as a deliberate attempt to pierce a dagger through the heart of the American Trucker. Why does everyone feel this way? Let's...
  20. jaminjim

    Caterpillar to cut 20,000 jobs

    Brand new poster, or brand new to trucking?