Search results

  1. Slo-Ride

    Gaming is changing.

    Yep as drivers we will get a lot of unique visits/hacks and captures, way more then the folks that never travel and only play in their home town. Glad your getting the full experience of the game, there are some out here that take it so serious they forget to have fun. For sure I wanna make...
  2. Slo-Ride

    March 2016, where are you going ??

    At least it kinda sounds like you may have something to eat. :cool:
  3. Slo-Ride

    March 2016, where are you going ??

    I'll call safety and see if they can get you on the new elogs tablet. For 10$ more a week it doesn't work as good as the macro point didn't work.. How can ya go wrong. I was paying for my own macro point repairs for awhile, chargers/battery's to avoid the tablet and avoid the switch, but now...
  4. Slo-Ride

    Gaming is changing.

    Link for Linda. Not a complete list but a decent one as the list is user created and not a official Niantic/Google page.. Mosaic missions. Ingress Mosaics
  5. Slo-Ride

    March 2016, where are you going ??

    Well at least you still have the cheaper of the 2. The new tablet comes with a increase of $10 a week, Doesn't receive messages and is nothing more then a Verizon tablet. Nice one at that, but to my knowledge I can't use it as one? Same tablet I can buy at my phone store and propely cheaper if...
  6. Slo-Ride

    Gaming is changing.

    Not a real badge but funny. Send to your daughter if she hasn't seen it yet she will/should get a kick out of it. This is awarded as a joke to agents that won't walk in place of their Trekker badge. :D
  7. Slo-Ride

    Gaming is changing.

    I'll try to find something that shows you avaible missions before ya get down there so ya can plan which ones ya may want to do. Like I said before they are available down there and I have done a few of them. Most pertained to distillery missions. Just on the edge of downtown there is a mission...
  8. Slo-Ride

    February 2016 locations

    I know, the DOT made me aware of that on paper. :mad:
  9. Slo-Ride

    Important! New Ratings System

    You still have that option. But but you must ga* about your community. Tell me you do.
  10. Slo-Ride

    Low prices are killing this month!ppl bending over like crazy!

    I don't know a lot about the inner workings of the office but I am certain I see a lot of dirty dealing going on that keeps us from working steady. I really think the work is there, but when a guy shows up next to you on more then one occasion and is holding a load profile from a carrier and its...
  11. Slo-Ride

    Low prices are killing this month!ppl bending over like crazy!

    Ever notice how tight your pick up times and then find out it was ready 8 hours ago. They don't give it away they may just sell it cheaper. If no one hauls/bids on it, it then goes on their trucks.
  12. Slo-Ride

    Low prices are killing this month!ppl bending over like crazy!

    Truth be known, I was thinking I had till the 31st of the month. And pleading ignorance of the law doesn't work so well. :D
  13. Slo-Ride

    Low prices are killing this month!ppl bending over like crazy!

    Its leap year I wasn't think straight. Was thinking I had one more day..:confused:
  14. Slo-Ride

    March 2016, where are you going ??

    Plenty of barrels to play kick the barrel.
  15. Slo-Ride

    Low prices are killing this month!ppl bending over like crazy!

    Failure to display. US 30 Ohio Scale house, Van Wert Ohio
  16. Slo-Ride

    Low prices are killing this month!ppl bending over like crazy!

    You must be out of the truck now for some time. I see family's living in nearly every Walmart and truck stop I park at. Currently looking at one family in a car that has been here as long as I have..2 adults 1 child
  17. Slo-Ride

    March 2016, where are you going ??

    What! You left your anal protection at home? Never leave home with out it..
  18. Slo-Ride

    Low prices are killing this month!ppl bending over like crazy!

    I believe we just lost 2 due to wrecks this last year, both drivers most of us knew. That's just 2 out of the hundreds, enter the carpet installers,,painters,, carpenters and you will find more data once you follow the whole picture..If your making money out of your vehicle ya should all play by...
  19. Slo-Ride

    Low prices are killing this month!ppl bending over like crazy!

    Correct and propely the reason more time is mentioned