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  1. Doggie Daddy

    All threads must be productive

    Move the monthly location thread into here and there would be all kinds of people in here. Remember it's all about LOCATION,LOCATION,LOCATION.
  2. Doggie Daddy

    Questions about Expediting

    Most of the van o/o's with experience are not idling their vans for heat,as they have alternative solutions to this problem and are saving money and their equipment.
  3. Doggie Daddy

    All threads must be productive

    According to our resident censor (LDB) any and all threads that are not productive in his opinion,will be locked. So please everyone,if it has no productive value just fuhgeddaboutit, I am hoping that passing along this information to the "EO Nation" is considered productive content and will...
  4. Doggie Daddy

    Snooty and Snotty, Part Deaux

    To the lockor I say that it was quite productive, 117 views, isn't that what this site is all about? (page views) :confused:
  5. Doggie Daddy

    Snooty and Snotty, Part Deaux

    Let's not bring controversy and malice into this,that will get it locked for sure. :rolleyes:
  6. Doggie Daddy

    Snotty or Snooty

    That was a snotty thing to do,or snooty. :D
  7. Doggie Daddy

    FedEx DVA system is a great tool

    That is correct,but we're a lovable bunch.
  8. Doggie Daddy


    Ya got that right Lawrence,and they work great too as we have sold a s/t here in the FREE classified's. :cool:
  9. Doggie Daddy

    FedEx DVA system is a great tool

    As quoted from nightcreacher from another thread concerning the DVA : "I believe if your in service your suppose to be ready for dispatch,15 miles away in a boat isn't ready for dispatch,not if the pick up is the standard hour and a half.Like to see you get your boat to the dock and put...
  10. Doggie Daddy

    Expediter Services Truck Drivers-Question?

    Don't you mean that WG does not allow pets at all in the truck?
  11. Doggie Daddy

    My 10,000th post

    Ward,don't you think you were being a little rough on the Beave?
  12. Doggie Daddy

    Shout out to greg334!

    But can anyone remember anything that he had to say? J/K Greg, WTG. ;)
  13. Doggie Daddy

    Sweet Cop Car!

  14. Doggie Daddy

    JFK Parking

    JJ, I sent you a PM.
  15. Doggie Daddy

    OSU vs UofM

    Just wondering what you base that on? Do you have a crystal ball that can see 2 years into the future? Michigan has not been Michigan for several years now.
  16. Doggie Daddy

    Stupid things drivers believe.

    That's not entirely true,but since he has been banned it's been running at about 75%.
  17. Doggie Daddy

    Dumb Things Expediters have Said

    " I think I will follow the gps's directions for this p/u..del." "We'll take this lil' shorty run,get it off quick and then still have time to grab a great run today."
  18. Doggie Daddy

    Dumb Things Expediters have Said

    I have been sitting in El Paso for 6 days with no load offers. Should I move to a different location?
  19. Doggie Daddy

    Expediters Hall of Fame

    I'm not sure who should or should not be in the HOF, but I would like to propose a city and architect for the building. Location : Florence,KY. Architect : I.M. Pei (he did a great job on the rock & roll HOF.)