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  1. greg334

    US opening our borders to Mexican truckers

    You know chuck, I have a change of heart about this subject. I witnessed some really bad behavior from two truckers right in front of me and the truck stop management, the company they drive for and the cops here don’t care and surely no trucker watching this cared enough to go and complain...
  2. greg334

    One a day equals none a day?

    Really?!? I just made all those numbers up and just don't know what to say. :P And if you believe that, here is something else. Sitting in Reno, NV accroding to the VRU (phone system) I have 3 trucks in front of me (that is 3 trucks that can be either a 'c' or 'd' unit) with 1 b unit...
  3. greg334

    lookout big cat peeps ..what will "brown do for yo

    RE: lookout big cat peeps ..what will You know that if any of the UPS vs. FedEx would be anywhere close to true, then it would have happened a long time ago. Working in a rather large company and knowing how they think, the words "competition is good for the company" holds true when you get...
  4. greg334

    Ice road trucker

    Yea, it was aired a while back. Pretty cool. I watched it after I read the article on the haul road truckers in Alaska.
  5. greg334

    '98 International 9800 COE Parts ??

    Try William Cohen, 866-536-5490 How do you like your 9800?
  6. greg334

    One a day equals none a day?

    “I had a driver from another company tell me that he had run a load of around 3800 lbs in his Sprinter (2500) - and it was for a significant distance, although I can't remember the exact details of from where to where.†See this is why I think people don’t just get it. A 2500 SHC has...
  7. greg334

    lookout big cat peeps ..what will "brown do for yo

    RE: lookout big cat peeps ..what will "I speak fluent canadian in case I get trapped behind enemy lines ...oh golly ..did I just say that" Yes foot guy, I too speak canadian just in case...:P "This industry is changing and the more we know ..the more we can work the system to our...
  8. greg334

    COE Pete Expediter

    Sitting here next to I80, I just saw a COE Pete expediter, didn't catch the name on the box - was staring at the cab. Anyone know about it?
  9. greg334

    The question that I was asked just now

    "Do you need a Class A CDL to tow a truck?" As cryptic as this may sound, the person was asking if I knew if a class A cdl was needed to tow a tractor behind another tractor or behind a tow truck. Anyone know the answer?
  10. greg334

    lookout big cat peeps ..what will "brown do for yo

    RE: lookout big cat peeps ..what will "Moot... I see you as a failed comic only to those with no sense of humor." T-Hawk, is this a failure to inspire or communicate?
  11. greg334

    rattle. rap...and drip drip drip goes the water...

    RE: rattle. rap...and drip drip drip goes the wate >XCOL....that all depends on price and availability, although >I would rather stay away from used. I guess I would sway >more towards the longblock, or the complete. > >Thanks. >K_G. KG, First did you try midwest diesel? If I remember...
  12. greg334

    lookout big cat peeps ..what will "brown do for yo

    RE: lookout big cat peeps ..what will Well in my opinion, Moot is right on. Why? We are not privy to the board room and seeing some things that are mentioned here as things that may stop the sale of Panther, I can simply say with experience and confidence that it is all about money, nothing...
  13. greg334

    Example of the Media Bias....

    I talk about. Please read this carefully and remember that this comes from a liberal; But to sum up the issue here is the last paragraph; "The coverage given to this alleged war criminal by The Times...
  14. greg334

    Paris has found God

    Now the hope of our youth will lead them into.... something.
  15. greg334

    rattle. rap...and drip drip drip goes the water...

    RE: rattle. rap...and drip drip drip goes the wate "They claim there aren't any available 3126's rebuilt anywhere in the country." What? Did the underwear nomes take all the 3126's from Cat so no one has them.
  16. greg334

    Quick, can you...

    Moot!! Right, you are.
  17. greg334

    Quick, can you...

    OK, every truck has at least a few of these types of clamps. It is called a Marman clamp. The thing was invented by Herbert Marx and produced by his company Marman Products Company, Inc. It was used during the war for a lot of different things but the really important purpose was to hold...
  18. greg334

    lookout big cat peeps ..what will "brown do for yo

    RE: lookout big cat peeps ..what will I love this statement; "First, when Panther goes public, the sell of the company will have to win approval from the stock holders. Those stock holders will be looking for two things in general. (1) the best financial offer and (2) the best business plan...
  19. greg334

    Post-9/11 Constitutional Violations to Our First A

    RE: Post-9/11 Constitutional Violations to Our Fir I hope I am not insulting you two but you both need to understand a few things; First thing is you have to read the entire constitution, not just the first three amendments. And read the federalist papers. Many people never get past the...
  20. greg334

    Class Eight Hybrid Trucks Revisited

    Phil, After reading all the press releases and Eatons sales pitch, I really wonder if the configuration for a line haul truck at the increased price is really worth it. I mean that the better solution which is being tested in Europe is the diesel/electric combination that removes any direct...