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  1. witness23

    The Duggars

    How 'bout this? That crying "waaa baby" Christian should stop whining about how he's being persecuted and use the situation to do what Christ commands and Evangelize to the gay couple.......then do everyone a favor and shut up and bake/decorate the friggen' cake and be done with it.
  2. witness23

    Franklin Graham and the cultural battles.

    Nope, you didn't. eesh, cringe worthy :facepalm:
  3. witness23

    Franklin Graham and the cultural battles.

    I just got to your post above in reading through this thread. I seriously hope you tapped out.
  4. witness23

    Franklin Graham and the cultural battles.

    Who cares? Seriously, I wish the so called "Christians" would stop crying about being a victim, its getting old and you're not doing Jesus any favors. Quit being cry-babies and worry about keeping your own house in order. Wells-Fargo obviously needs more customers after reading most of the...
  5. witness23

    Franklin Graham and the cultural battles.

    Ain't free enterprise a b*tch? If their customers and potential customers don't like it, they can leave that's the consequence of living in a free society.
  6. witness23

    Franklin Graham and the cultural battles.

    Maybe you should start a "movement" and "encourage" evangelicals to deposit their money into a "Southern based" bank.
  7. witness23

    Post Removed and Thread Locked???

  8. witness23

    The Duggars

    Lord have mercy. The Duggars did eventually take Josh to a a state trooper Joseph Hutchens. But Hutchens, who is serving 56 years in prison What you say, is he serving a prison sentence for? Hutchens, 66, pleaded no contest to 10 counts of distributing, possessing or viewing matter depicting...
  9. witness23

    The Duggars

    At 14 and 15, with a someone as young as 5? C'mon man.
  10. witness23

    Abortion and women

    Do as I say, not as I do. Try and stay on topic.
  11. witness23

    Picard Facepalm

  12. witness23

    Picard Facepalm

    From Jim Wright owner of Stonekettle Station blog. Link: Link:
  13. witness23


    Show me a rabidly anti-gay man, and I will show you a gay man.
  14. witness23

    Rice for President perhaps?

    Yes please, make sure you are staying current on your meds.
  15. witness23

    Rice for President perhaps?

    Probably so.
  16. witness23

    The lights are out on 2 Officers, state of the nation.

    Could've swore there were two more posts in this thread from Yolo.
  17. witness23

    Rice for President perhaps?

    Who is Congo Lisa?
  18. witness23

    Baltimore Rioting, Looting OK According to Mayor

    Turtle be like..............
  19. witness23

    Baltimore Rioting, Looting OK According to Mayor

    And like turtle said earlier, you'd be just as likely to pull a "Nugent" on yourself than actually shoot someone.