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  1. B


    I find this industry extremley limited. Posting on this many times what makes a great business a great business? In my expierence OPTIONS you have no further options in buying a Dulley, you can haul horses, pigs, cows. Steel for Hot Shots or RVs thats about it. So if things get soft all you...
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    Somehow its all comming back to me.

    I remember the excitement I felt last year prior to buying my truck and reading so many great posts. Than it happened GIANT dissipointments followed by more and more until finially I was so depressed and mad at myself for ever getting into this. Had to come up with a plan, but thats getting...
  3. B

    Can someone explain!?

    Lets say you get to a location and you have to hand unload it the customer would be charged for your time and you will get 62% of that. Back hauls are a dream come true, one I have not yet had happen yet. You take a load from Detroit to Atlanta, get to the location on time and they refuse the...
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    expediting co.

    No need to limit your search to just the local area. I live 600 miles from my carrier, have a phone, fuel, and a dependable vehicle you will not have a problem with any carrier due to location.
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    I have a question for the Poster. You can acutally survive on $400.00 a week? Have you ever considered how your going to live when you say oh after your 68th Birthday? What about Health Insurance do you have any from a wife or another source X-employment I hope so. Seems like a very low $...
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    air brakes on a downgrade

    East Coast - West Coast a 5-6% downgrade is still 5-6% on either Coast, look at Fancy Gap, Black Mtn. I have driven around the U.S. 4 times now and it must all be taken with the same caution. All of the Posts are correct on the braking methods, I choose even with a installed Jake to pump at...
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    Truck Dealers

    Fort Wayne Truck Center (Palmer Dealer) Leo has stated to me in the past he had a bad expierence with these people responding to him. I had a great expierence and got a great education as well. What Leo did is very very rare and if you look at what a dealer has to go through to build a truck...
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    2006 Goals

    Being that we are all business owners have you taken the time to readjust or just make new goals for this year? Last year was absolutly a great year for comming out of the blocks, I need to thank anyone who helped me along in my journey especially Terry, LBD, Dave C, Tennessee Hawk, Dreamer...
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    valve adjustment

    The soot is probably a clogging or clogged injector. Last year I complained on this site as to why everytime the truck sat for more than a day and I fired it up my roof and box were covered in specs of soot. Finially the truck started running very rough, took it in and they did another...
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    Correct me if I am wrong, but I have been DOT'd 3 times now for log books. I have never put down Post Trip Inspection unless the next day I was going to only flag it and not show a 15 minute for a Pre-Trip. Also I will combign the Post Trip with a Fuel and still only show 15 minutes. My...
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    A-minus unit?

    Sharp is correct it was Medical or X-rays Courrier.
  12. B

    getting Started in Expediting.

    If all they are saying is we will pay $5,000 up to five months than great. Express One offered this last year and Boy is that Tempting. No further strings or anything from what I recalled so if want a credit to your payments go for it if all else meets your requirments. Look at the total...
  13. B


    I am glad someone brought this issue up cause everytime I leave a J I think how poorley managed these places are. #1 they put all these tables to make us jig jag thru and you ever noticed how many people have to say EXCUSE ME- Pardon me etc.. We are tripping all over each other because they...
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    Dot inspection

    If you have a side compartment door put it inside there. When I purcahsed my truck they put it on the outside compartment door, its still there and the new one on the inside. I need to remove the outside one, I do not like the idea of my phone # and name being on plain view all of the time.
  15. B

    new truck

    Totally dissagree and have the proof. When looking for my second a truck there was a great Pete in Wisc. Only problem and the owner admitted it was he wanted his $ out of the liftgate. I was not willing nor was anyone else gona pay for his problem (he admitted this to me but had to get his $...
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    The Good, The Bad & Ugly For Express-1

    Scott is one of the best of the best in this industry. He stands up for his company and spells it out for you.
  17. B

    valve adjustment

    I caution you on that its way to long, its very inexpensive compared to what could happen if it is not done sooner. I had mine done at 90K and I could imm. tell a big difference, much quiter. Cost on a Cummins was around $300.
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    smoke removal

    OK Flame but how does not apply this. I can wash this entire truck with my solution in one hour or less including engine and lower frame. Polishing the entire truck takes an entire day (TOMMOROW) Daughter has a boyfriend actually (hundreds) but this kid is the only one who knows how to work...
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    new truck

    What I am confused at is (and its not really any of my business) but you posted it twice is that your gona keep putting more $ for improvements into this truck. When I ordered my truck I carefully went over everything 100 times. If it would not generate enough $ in one year or less to pay...
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    Happy New Year

    I would be ashamed to drive anything that looked like that or was that dirty.