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  1. jaminjim

    Paterno should be canned.

    Legally he supposedly did nothing wrong. A man would have brought in the POS and asked him to explain what had happened, and then at minimum followed up with the proper authorities to insure that it was properly investigated. I don't care how busy or important he is the thing to do was see that...
  2. jaminjim

    Paterno should be canned.

    Sandusky probe: Penn St. officials face charges - CBS News He may have done what was required by law, but he failed miserably as a man.
  3. jaminjim

    Ron Paul: Befriend Iran.....

    That was not vulgar, not nice maybe, vulgar nope.
  4. jaminjim

    My Rant

    My mistake. :o When I read the part: I thought you were saying that the white people of Texas were wrong. I concluded that you would advocate us (white folks) righting a wrong.
  5. jaminjim

    My Rant

    So you're saying that we give Texas back to the Indians, right.
  6. jaminjim

    Father "Punishing" Daughter - Or - Father "Beating" Daughter?

    Question for ya. What is your opinion of the story?
  7. jaminjim

    My Rant

    Not really a member, just has posting privileges.
  8. jaminjim

    Don't Mess with A Kid's Candy on Halloween

    Really? Well pretty much. Don't know about him but I had the bag of little molded green GI's. (I predate GI Joes, dangit) Me too, and I never lost a battle let alone a war. :D Dads guns were in the gun cabinet, completely off limits, but the dresser drawer containing some war memorabilia was...
  9. jaminjim

    Sterling SportChassis Or Peterbilt 330 crew cab Fuel Mileage??

    4000 miles a week, must be running out west.
  10. jaminjim

    panther and owners pulling trucks out

    Was that $1.00 per mile all miles or loaded miles?
  11. jaminjim

    Health Insurance - FDCC

    I don't know why this is being treated like a state secret, simple yes or no, with a quick explanation.
  12. jaminjim

    More Dayton traffic woes

    And this helped this morning: Semi blocks exit ramp when driver forgets to engage parking brake.
  13. jaminjim

    Just sayin'

    Yeah, but I wasn't working on the venomous angle, just over used ones.
  14. jaminjim

    Just sayin'

    I'm thinking any phrase said often enough (too much) wears thin, 10-4? Awesome.
  15. jaminjim

    Robertson: GOP Base Too Extreme

    What is so hard to understand? It is possible to be Pro life, while at the same time think that it is not the governments business (or anyone else's).
  16. jaminjim

    Just sayin'

    What ever..
  17. jaminjim

    Deadhead Home vs. Waiting it Out

    Get a Mentor!
  18. jaminjim

    Proposing A 10% Solution

    Why not completely ignore the person until they decide to actually debate something?
  19. jaminjim

    Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi is dead cool
  20. jaminjim

    Proposing A 10% Solution

    Do you have a witness? Reminds me of the GFR song that went "can I get a witness".