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  1. greg334

    7 ON 7 OFF

    Well here is a comment from an experinced person who had to deal with people as a manager in a department that shared vehicles. Don't expect to have a smooth time with this - especially with people who are related to you or freinds. It may seem to go smooth for a number of weeks, even a few...
  2. greg334


    >A gas engine would be the cheapest to maintain and fix. If >you keep up on regular maintence you should be fine and it >also seems too that with alittle time on your hands its alot >easier to lube up a gas then a diesel. Now the problem I >seen and read is idleing a GAS Engine. This from...
  3. greg334

    Medical check-ups on the road

    >There was an article in one of the trucking mags about the >IRS denying the deduction to a couple that lived in their >truck. They could come up with nothing to show they had >residense. They had claimed 363 days, so this cost them some >serious bucks. I wonder what they did on their 2 day...
  4. greg334

    It's Me Agian! With an UPDATE!

    > KW. Just something to think about. When I was in sales I >was also responsible for collecting any bad debts resulting >from deadbeat customers. Now here is what was really >effective for me in collecting. I would send the deadbeat >company a letter explaining how I was going to file with...
  5. greg334

    I support Israel attacks on Gaza and Lebanon

    Ace, I am surprised.....well...... sort of ....that no one has even commented on your thread. I feel like commenting now, not in a writing mode all weekend so here goes. First thing I have to say I am no big fan of Israel but I also support Israel with a caveat. That caveat is that no one...
  6. greg334

    Kick this campaign in high gear!!

    Check this out
  7. greg334

    what info would you make available to drivers

    I second what A Team said. Also I would like to be able to pull up all the info that I get on the VRU on the computer, with the addition of dwell time. It is a pain when you find out that you will go into a market that has 3 vans and they all have been sitting there but they have activity in...
  8. greg334

    political correctness tsars, Are you one of them?

    RE: political correctness tsars, Are you one of th ok parents please tell me something, not going into detail about my former co-worker but he is liberal, sometimes I think he is more liberal than TallCal. He searched out a school and move to the area so his kids can attend ROTC. My confusion...
  9. greg334

    Be a Bigtime Artist

    Highway Star, there is an artist who actually has their dogs and cats walk all over the canvas, sometimes even plays on the canvas in paint. When I was in NYC for the 9/11 award presentations back in April of 02, they were selling art to benefit the red cross and this was one of the up and...
  10. greg334

    Fact or fiction?

    So let me add something else. Many truck stops have beer and alcohol for sale on site. I know that the DOT and the congress has some study out there that says that it takes more than 10 hours to shead the effects of the alcohol. In addition to this, I am read somewhere that one or maybe a...
  11. greg334

    Dead head pay and layover it required?

    RE: Dead head pay and layover it required I thought that the commission thing was dead in this business? If you are companies drivers, than you should be paid an hourly wage, not commission or salery (I think salery is illegal due to the nature of the work).
  12. greg334

    Ever feel like a target?

    Cherri, You did the right thing, screw them - if they can't get in line when they know they should, they should have to wait. I was getting on I 20 in Atlanta going into a construction zone. there was a huge sign on the shoulder and traffic was stopped. the people on the on ramp just sped up...
  13. greg334

    Important Please Read About Calling Area Code 809

    RE: Important Please Read About Calling Area Code Pappy You triggered a thought - thanks. Here it is. I receive an average of 150 unwanted emails on any given day through 5 email accounts - everything from buying fake Viagra to human organs. A lot of these emails come from what is called...
  14. greg334


    Through the years our government has given money out to various people and organizations that have done studies. Some studies are important while others seem worthless. Here are a few worthless studies; Study the effects of school having soda machines in grade and middle schools and the...
  15. greg334

    Bowling Green,KY

    Check out the Corvette museum.
  16. greg334

    Dodge Sprinter Steering concerns.

    OK lets try this again.. It dissapeared now it is back. The sprinter uses struts for the front end and may be a bad strut. so I would ask how many miles on the truck? new tires lately? any front end work done (brakes etc..)?
  17. greg334

    Birthday! July 11 - Somebody has a birthday

    > Sure wish some genius would develop a better road surface, >now - I75 in Detroit is so bad, I can't believe people do >the speed limit there! Oh - maybe that's why they leave it >so rough, lol - sure slows drivers down! > Are there other roads like that, which I haven't >discovered yet...
  18. greg334

    Phil's truck

    > I have seen two of the Volvo 770 sleepers streched to >somewhere around 10 to 11 feet. looked kind of neat. Must be >some very good welders, because I could see no seam and no >warp at all. But I did see them from across the Interstate. > >Funny thing was I saw them just a few days apart...
  19. greg334

    The Quickest expeditor of all time!!!

    this guy has too much money and tooooo much time on his hands LOL! Can you imagine the amount of noise in the interior of that car? Also just an after thought, how does he handle the liablity insurance? I mean using the driver thur at McDonalds, he must cause some damage to the cars behind him.
  20. greg334

    Phil's truck

    Ok I got it all now but I am still a little confused by the Pounds per Square Inch issue. I mean take the 600 PSI limit, what is the contact area for a tire? for 20K that means that the surface area must be at leasts 16.5 sqaure inches per tire or am I wrong in my assumption that this is how...