Took my truck in for another ground wire problem to the marker lights seems as they are all going one by one. To my surprise this is not a Utilimaster dealer boy did I look dumb. Anyway, they put me right in fixed the problem in 5 minutes than refused payment. I would like to thank this...
People ask me do I miss NASCAR cannot explaine to them how much more I enjoy doing Expediting.
There are somethings though I would like to see if the rest of you have a problem with. This last Friday I laid over in Durham was just to pooped to drive 2 hours home and since I was the only truck...
Please can the expierenced tell me the best route from I95 in NH or MA down to say Raliegh and points further South. Or is that the best way, Friday, ice, construction and those three wonderfull cities NY, BLT & D.C..
Had a load of computers 60 boxes @ 20K a box. Shipped four high I wanted to go three as the load bars would have prevented any movement three high. They wanted them shipped 4 high. OK put straps accross the top row front and back. They still slid forward (my camera showed me) re positioned...
I am very light footed, I am the truck that is always getting passed, easy on the up hills unless loosing mph average 3-4 under the speed limit unless Ohio or IL. Truck is acting like an 18 wheeler when it comes to fuel mileage. 7.2 to 8.5 Cummins 285hp Allison 5spd rear end I believe is...
Cleaning the truck on Saturday the Van Body was impossible to get clean (or seemed) from the stacks. All the other times I have cleaned it, it has been easy. Very sooty.
Diesel Additive to much?
Running in sub below 0 causing frost on the body than the diesel smoke sticking to that than...
Right before taking delivery of my truck the issue of front axle weight came up. Since then this is what I have found thanks to Doc Rushing, When I took delivery I went right to the scales front end came in 9380 quarter tank of fuel.
The other night took ten pallets weight of them was 7,000...
OK here it goes Petro fuel and others ran into a very smart Expediter yesterday in Cambridge OH. Followed him home into the Carolinas talked via CB entire time. He states that there fuel is junk, he uses the number of 45 or higher Wilco in Wythville VA says he gets 1 almost 2 mph better with...
I want to let everyone on this site know of the service I recieved at the Troy IL Freightliner dealership. Fellow EO I was blown away I took the truck in for an oil change and a transmission service for a Allison Auto. I was told three hours, five hours went by and I was just a little anxious...
Discovered something great today, went to our favorite EO store Walmart. In with the luggage dept: there are these plastic bags with a zipper and a sandwich seal. Put your clothes inside, or comforter, pillow you name it squeeze the air out and WOW so much for that bulging over the sholder...
Why is it that if you wait 6 months to install the tax goes away. What happens if after taking ownership of a truck you install a tag a week or two later? Don't ask don't tell? You sill pay 12% but just on the price of the tag, right?
If you clean your posts, and follow the lines to the starter, and frame how often would you do this, and what is the life span of the deep cell batteries this is what I am having installed. There should be a generator also.
Anyone having this problem WEIGHT seems as though the new truck I have ordered might be over 33gvw with 13K of freight. Has not been a problem in the past on this model, but very close without the generators. Here we are trying to comply with these idle laws, then another branch of govt...
What chain is the best at washing your truck and costs. Now if you are really fussy please let me know the do's and do nots. Comments on Alum tanks and rims would be appriciated. When I am at home I can do it here, but when I will be out for three weeks at a time seems like it will need to be...