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  1. B

    The names we Use

    I really do not understand why people would not use names to tie them to the Carriers they run with. So many kittens, cats, with all to many phrases. You are You, A Carrier is a Carrier. Just hope it works out otherwise how we gona know its you again? Got a but chewing when I did not...
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    Did you not run a while back and than dissipear? Or have you been here a while? Seems as though I remember the name cause of the date you joined EO but have not seen you post in a long time. Where ya been?
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    Daves Post something to think about:

    We are blessed to be living in the Greatest Country the Civilized World has ever known. First thanks to all those who have Served and those who have Sacraficed. Business leaders for guiding us and all of those who came before us and built this Country. Now with that said: Yesterday alone...
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    Deduction per mile

    Can anyone tell me what the current deduction or last years deduction was for use of a personal vehicle in business travel? Thank you in advance.
  5. B

    Protest May 1

    On listening to the radio, the communist from Mexico stated during his RANT temper tantrum. On how we AMERICANS killed so many Indians and took this land. So they have the right to invade us now? Is this justice to what I did or my father did oh 300 or 200 years ago? May I ask any of you...
  6. B

    Complaints about the May 1 protest Post

    I found many intresting comments on this Post. First did anyone ever see my post regarding writing your Senators and Congresman about two months ago? Or to those who did respond see the next paragraph. Comments not exact quote: You all stated it would do no good, waist of time, excuses and...
  7. B

    Mexican Trucks not needed on U.S. Roads

    Here is the Hot Line to the White House, PLEASE CALL tell them about the Training these drivers have down there in Mexico, Insurance, Back ground checks, Driving Records. Let Mr. Busch know how you feel. 202 456 1414 The more calls well. It is your future ya gona leave it up to just me?
  8. B


    Consumer Fraud alert to you all. There are some Middle Eastern people setting up scams on ATMs according to the Detroit Free Press Tuesday. It works like this. Place a small camera above the ATM pointing down at the key pad. They also put a scanner in front of the scanner you place your card...
  9. B


    So how has been for YOU this year? Good, Great? Seen some indications by a couple of posters just curious hows it going for you? Little slower than years past for me. Doing fine between the dips even complaining does not help so just curious. Was talking with a marketing person who told me...
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    Happy Easter

    My Easter wish to all EO Members May your Easter be filled with many pleasant suprises. Saw this on a sign and thought of you all. Happy Easter.
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    Exhaust Leaks

    Being a little bit of an expert on this. The Cummins ISC has a poorly designed exhaust manifold that it is one piece. Brand new this truck got a crack and almost killed me in my forth month of service when the APU had failed and I idled the truck to keep warm. Heacache, upset stomach WOW I...
  12. B

    More Pictures to come

    Last week I had the sheer luck to end a run in Littleton NH on a Friday. I rented a Snowmobile on Sunday, my pictures are great almost as good as the run itself. If one ever gets a chance to unload in the winter time in Northern NH or VT or Maine. Stop at the Visitors Center and get the...
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    Rate this user

    Whens the last time you complimented a new Poster? Just saw a guy had posted 42 times with no commments.
  14. B

    Have you written or faxed your representatives yet

    PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO DO SO. Just a simple two paragraph letter, go to Google, type in Contact your Senator and than Contact your Congressman. It will give you the phone and fax #s. I enoucourage you to please do not let this opportunity pass you (us) AMERICA UP. I thank you very much in...
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    I just do not get it Post, Rich M told a great story about its affect on some drivers and WE are suppost to bail out the addict. How many signs do we see promiting this Industry? What is its true cost to Society? I do not have the answer but I know its BIG, bigger than any of us could...
  16. B

    Doing Mexico???

    After reading some 62 posts am I the only one who listened to Land Line last week. These points I did not see in any 62 of the Posts to date. ULSD fuel how much are we now spending on 07 models for this new high efficent engine? 10K maybee? How much will a Mexican company be spending on...
  17. B

    So Much for Trust

    Inside of the Storm edition. There was recently a debate about NC to IN and it also ties in with what Rich and the Col were discussing about TRUST. All I can say about my company I am leased to C&M is this. Trust is and has never been an issue. They TRUST my judgement, and I do the same in...
  18. B


    I could not help but read the into my own post and the CB comment. Before entering into this I thought it would be great to keep one informed and a great way to meet new people. How wrong I was, do you expierence the same thing I have? #1 try to carry on an intellegent conversation and have...
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    Reduced Rates

    Jus finished the long version. My thought was kinda this. Why do we go into areas we know are hard to get out of out when one knows in advance either your gona DH or discount it? Personally I have set up my own standards, like for example FL, if its not North of the NC-TN border (KY-VA) I am...
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    Perfect time to ask this question

    Since someone is taking a long deserved break, and we will not have to read a 4 page biography on the answer. Do you know what your Total miles ran last year worked out to be $ wise? In otherwords take your total dollars generated and divide by the miles. You might also want to know the %...