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  1. jaminjim

    Unfrickin' Believable ...

    Maybe he was taking a play out of the CIA's playbook.
  2. jaminjim

    New update

    I'm not going to complain about the taking over the screen. Using my wheel on the mouse moves the page up or down in jerky movements. What would have moved the screen up a full page now moves it about 20% of a page in two or three jerks. Much the same way if you pushed the up or down arrows...
  3. jaminjim

    New update

    Well my biggest complaint is the slow load and jerky scrolling.
  4. jaminjim

    New update

    Me too. ..
  5. jaminjim

    New update

    My loading time has increased since the 'upgrade'. Also when I'm scrolling with my wheel mouse, it is real jerky. :confused: I'm using Safari.
  6. jaminjim

    How to think about p!$$!ng on the Taliban

    Sorry Greg, its a war. You may not consider it a war, but the grunts on the ground surely thinks it is. It may not be a 'war' in the classical sense, but its a war. Stop on by the local VA Hospital and see if you can see any youngsters that look like they were in a war. Anytime there are bombs...
  7. jaminjim

    Sorry, can't take it any more

    Beer? :confused:
  8. jaminjim

    Sorry, can't take it any more

    Turtle ^ ^^ ^^^ ^ ^ That is what I'm talkin about!
  9. jaminjim

    Sorry, can't take it any more

    That helps, thanks.
  10. jaminjim

    I thought the Canadians heath care was great?

    What I was attempting to show is the out of control medical costs. (but I'm thinking you knew that didn't you :rolleyes: )
  11. jaminjim

    I thought the Canadians heath care was great?

    One of my points was how can you rack up that type of bill in less than ten days?
  12. jaminjim

    Sorry, can't take it any more

    Some of my problems are when to use 'than and then', 'to and too' and 'affect and effect'. Most here try to check our usage and me personally don't mind the correction if it is done with an explanation. Which reminds me 'a and an' is another issue for me.
  13. jaminjim

    How to think about p!$$!ng on the Taliban

    Just trying to be fair and balanced. ;)
  14. jaminjim

    For the Ron Paul Supporters

    Duh. :confused::o
  15. jaminjim

    For the Ron Paul Supporters

    Thought I have seen several Polls in the past and not one of them said the military members leaned to the left. And why do you call them nut cases? :confused:
  16. jaminjim

    I thought the Canadians heath care was great?

    Yep, she is pretty much dead, won't get any checks signed by her. :confused: So if her husband wants intentionally skip out on what he owes people for trying to save his wife's life it's all good.... right?
  17. jaminjim

    I thought the Canadians heath care was great?

    Why doesn't she have the Canadian health coverage? I thought all of them were covered. But to me the real kicker of the article is that the medical bills are so high. How can someone justify that high of a bill for less than ten days in the hospital? Sarah Burke's family has to pay...
  18. jaminjim

    How to think about p!$$!ng on the Taliban

    He whizzed in the Rhine river. While crossing the Rhine river he had his driver stop mid way across and took a leak supposedly to show his disdain for the nazis.
  19. jaminjim

    How to think about p!$$!ng on the Taliban

    He metaphorically took a whiz on them, right?
  20. jaminjim

    How racism is perpetuated

    Yes he was tall.