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  1. B

    securing cargo and equiptment needed

    Here is a good one: Driver pulls into Consignee, one back door missing the other one barley hooked. Driver picked up load day before and never noticed that both doors were not latched. So where do ya think that other door went? Talk about IGNORING a PTI and how he ever made it from PU to...
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    CTX...Good Company to work for?

    Disshonest No, Lazy yes. Union Mentality IT AINT MY JOB. Now my Agent and those in Dearborn office GREAT. I just sent the Dearborn Office Flowers as they always try there very best for me. Broker Loads STINK the company loads are very Good, but when your stuck ya gotta play the hand that...
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    Pro-Heat/Carrier NEW Refridegerant

    Hope it was not a Mistake: Just installed one on this truck. On my KW (new) the Pro-Heat was trouble after problem after problem. Than it was repaired (rewired) and was flawless for over a year. Your RIGHT Goodyear Gator Belts, and ALWAYS use the Kabota filters, Napas leak oil seal will not...
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    11 "Load Oportunity"

    Glad you posted this Easy. I am right now in the same boat was not gona Post, reading yours though here I go. I called my Detroit office they really take great care of me. I need to be in Detroit tommorow unloaded yesterday in Cleveland. My own Agent had some leads NO LUCK. Detriot IMM...
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    Harder to find Drivers because of our company.

    Just last week a Driver from Michigan turned over the 18 wheeler no Seat Belt he was killed 53 years old. Now from the Insurance Co. point of view they were probably greatfull he was not seriously injured and had to pay the claims. Cold way to look at it, but if that driver would have been...
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    Kewl Ride

    Fuel is how much? Bigger, Biggest, Bigger than Biggest? I just do not get it, when are we gona come down to commonsense and CONSERVE our energy resources? The vehicle does nothing more than a much more fuel efficent diesel van with a 18 foot camper on the rear would do but use 3-4...
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    Don't Leave Home Without It

    Boy oh boy some of us get SO opinionated about using Tech. As all of those that refered to it as an AID right on. If and when mine breaks, I will be at the Nearest sales counter IMM. So your smarter than all the Tech, let me make a far out comparison, next time your gona break (stop)...
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    I have never had any beef with you Ontario. You come on here and state the things you stated here and get IRATE when others defend our Country. You use OUR RESOURCES to make your living. ? do you buy U.S. fuel for your employment or Canadian. And than take hits at us on this site. Has...
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    great sign

    Monroe Michigan, Change Every 50,000 a picture of two shocks, Next to that it says Change Daily a Pair of Brief Underwear hanging on a clothes line.
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    Why would you Ontario want to become a U.S. citizen with such bias towards U.S. citizens and the U.S.? Maybee cause this is the GREATEST Country ever? Maybee? Yep we have deserved the right to be kissed on the Arse many times over. If your ever gona be number #1 or on top everyone...
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    Sleeper With Slide-out

    I would love to park next to this piece of CRAP. Let me pull out before he does and maybee I could just push his her *** to the floor with the trailer. After ALL I would still be in MY LANE. It is trucking, if you wana go camping than go camping otherwise stay out of the truck stops and...
  12. B

    can this truck be salvaged

    Katrina's flood waters were Salt Water, Fresh Water should not destroy all electronic componets. I would never ever buy a vehicle ever registered in LA. I am sorry for your loss, four weeks ago I crossed US 50 from IL, into IN, what a mess back than the river was at least three miles wide...
  13. B

    CTX...Good Company to work for?

    I drive for a Division of CENTRAL TRANSPORT which owns CTX. Survivial if one does not have a connection inside this company: It is really just another company PROFIT DRIVEN at any costs even if it means it has to come out of the Drivers rear. Watch your loads and the $ this place is...
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    This could go into a different Topic Heading: I feel its just to important for most not to view: How many times have you been in a conversation or over heard (maybee even you believe this) ITS ALL BUSH's fault HE IS GETTING RICH and so are his Oil Buddies: Do you really BELIEVE THAT...
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    Not so Swift

    Cruise Control: Just wonder how many DEATHS have been caused by this DEVICE: Years ago it sounded like the greatest thing: Today I think it is the most DANGERIOUS tool put on vehicles; Example: I have seen this over and over again. Now YOU begin to notice I believe you will see the...
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    Who's Responsible

    Is the QC not being charged to the owner being the LINK between you and the company? Is the information on LOAD ACCEPTANCE not a written contract? Are the dollar amounts not final as the load is being put on the truck? My only suggestion to those in dispute TO SEND A MESSAGE Stating...
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    Ever been lost?

    Of course right silly? This goes hand in hand with Brown and JFK, I have been lost and have other drivers off duty flash there lights knowing I was lost (residential area) pull over and have them come up and say (hey I know your lost) and have me follow them to where I needed to be or...
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    A Review of Express 1!!!

    Congrats on your own success: Your the Judge and decision maker of your own success. As long as your this pleased and it works for you, than I think I can speak for most of us were glad for you. Not everything works the same for everyone, and with that said and from I read on here is where...
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    Health Insurance

    Something you just have to take into your own hands and investigate. Several options to choose where to begin? Your brother in law probably is a member of the local Chamber of Commerce, nothing stopping you from joining them and being eligable to join into that group or a group. OOIDA, the...
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    Summer or Winter?

    Lady I sooooo AGREE WITH YOU. Since I started this Thread and did not give an opinion now here it is. I HATE DOING LAUNDRY from my sweat and smelling to the point I cannot stand myself even using deoderant I still stink in the summer. Monkey But we have all seen this sold in the Truck...