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  1. jaminjim

    Not a bit surprised
  2. jaminjim


    The Blondes Year in Review: January - Took new scarf back to store because it was too tight. February - Fired from pharmacy job for failing to print labels.....Helllloooo!!!.....bottles won't fit in printer !!! March - Got really excited.....finished jigsaw puzzle in 6
  3. jaminjim


    Subject: DUI GEORGIA STYLE Only a GEORGIAN could think of this... from the county where drunk driving is considered a sport, comes this true story. Recently a routine police patrol parked outside a bar in Savannah, Georgia. After last call the officer noticed a man leaving the bar so...
  4. jaminjim

    Just Because

    Paddy staggered home very late and very drunk. He took off his shoes to avoid waking the wife. He tiptoed as quietly as he could toward the stairs leading to their bedroom, but misjudged the bottom step. As he caught himself by grabbing the banister, his body swung around and he landed heavily...
  5. jaminjim

    You know you're from California if:

    You know you're from California if: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So as not to be outdone by all the redneck, hillbilly, and Texan jokes, somebody had to come up with this, you know you're from California if: 1. Your coworker has 8...
  6. jaminjim


    Subject: Politics Understood A little boy goes to his dad and asks, "What is Politics?" Dad says, "Well son, let me try to explain it this way: I am the head of the family, so call me The President. Your mother is the administrator of the money, so we call her the Government. We are here...
  7. jaminjim

    Mean older women

    A little old lady is walking down the street, dragging two plastic garbage bags with her, one in each hand. There's a hole in one of the bags, and every once in a while a $20 bill is flying out of it onto the pavement. Noticing this, a policeman stops her... " Ma'am, there are $20 bills...
  8. jaminjim

    Sittin in Graham, NC.

    Delivered this morning and have a p/u Wed. morning. So here we sit at the Best Western across from the Flying J @ the 150 mm. Anyone near by? Saw a T-300 expediter w D&l? had a motorcycle sitting behind his truck? anyone know who they are?
  9. jaminjim

    Can You Dance?

    Check it out.
  10. jaminjim

    Math Question

    Math 1950-2005 Last week I purchased a sandwich for $1.58. The counter girl took my $2 and I was digging for my change when I pulled 8 cents from my pocket and gave it to her. She stood there, holding the nickel and 3 pennies, while looking at the screen on her register. I sensed her...
  11. jaminjim

    from e-mail

    A blind man makes his way to a bar stool and orders a drink. After sitting there for awhile, he yells to the bartender, "Hey, you wanna hear a blonde joke?" The bar immediately falls absolutely quiet. In a very deep, husky voice, the woman next to him says, before you tell that joke, sir, I...
  12. jaminjim

    from e-mail

    FUNERAL PROCESSION Don't skip the prayer at the end! A woman was leaving a convenience store with her morning coffee when she noticed a most unusual funeral procession approaching the nearby cemetery. A long black hearse was followed by a second long black hearse about 50 feet behind the...
  13. jaminjim

    Waiting for the flu bug to leave the house so we c

    Dayton, Ohio
  14. jaminjim

    How about a few laughs.

    What do you call two Mexicans playing basketball? Juan on Juan What is a Yankee? The same as a quickie, but a guy can do it alone. What is the difference between a Harley and a Hoover ? The position of the dirt bag Why is divorce so expensive? Because it's worth it. What do you see...