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  1. jaminjim

    Let me ask this

    Just out of curiosity what are the requirments to become ""White" glove"" at FEDEX
  2. jaminjim

    Da Truck

    So who won it?
  3. jaminjim

    After the Expediter Show.

    On Sunday there is a rather large Air Show at the Dayton Airport. If you don't get a load out you should consider checking it out. I put the times and performance info in the layover forum. Also there is the Air force museum(sp) at Wright Pat AF base, plenty of parking.
  4. jaminjim

    What a Stud

    Google this guy, Jim Cirillo.
  5. jaminjim


    All things are good in moderation the saying goes. So that would mean a heated conversation would be good. If we have nothing but a sanitized version of what has been posted, it is hard to understand why some members have a case of the red arse at another member. Or why they responded to a...
  6. jaminjim

    What Ever happened to..

  7. jaminjim

    Stupid sounds at 03:02

    Once again I get the stupid text message telling me I have text load offers for my phone. Don't they understand that is getting on my nerves?
  8. jaminjim

    For the family man

    I notice that in Leo’s poll there were around thirty people who were under the ripe old age of fifty. Of those, I wonder how many people have high school age children or younger. Of the members who have young children at home, how many think that they are really raising said children. Or are...
  9. jaminjim


    Facts, Just the facts: Current location: Sandusky, Oh. Pickup location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Paid miles: 57 Rate: $1.20 FSC: $0.26 Direction of travel: North West Date and Time of PU: 21:00 Friday Total pay for load: $150.82 ($99.00 Mini and $37.00 DH Pay, $14.82 FSC) Costs...
  10. jaminjim

    Liar, Cheat, Fool

    Am I the only one who has noticed. There seems to be a lot of people using those phrases on here lately, mostly from newer members and members who post a couple times a month or less. It must just be a sign of the times, but not that long ago, it would have been a perfect opportunity to open...
  11. jaminjim


    Anybody else having problems signing into the old web site for PII to check stats/money?
  12. jaminjim

    I'm Bored

    Never mind, crap
  13. jaminjim

    A test to post?

    With several questions being asked over and over again, even actively discussed topic's. One post shows up right above one asking the same question. The only difference is the screen name. Maybe a quiz of the new forum for Newbie FAQ. If you can't answer some of the most basic questions, How...
  14. jaminjim

    Dead Head

    Just completly out of control. Had to sit at the Consignee after delivery, I had run completly out of hours. Picking up at a different company in a little while, next driveway from where I delivered this morning. On a side note, it's good some people turned down the load that brought me up...
  15. jaminjim


    Wake up this morning and the font went to about half what it should be. this only is on this forum, so far it is only place that this happened.
  16. jaminjim


    Well I am about to take that pos for a one way ride. The man is messing with us to no end since the first of the year. I think just knocking the snot out of him will not be enough. 1. Two exhaust bolts found to be broken. 2. No bunk heat. 3. Roof on the house took a crap finally and had to be...
  17. jaminjim


    Touchdown Colts!!!!
  18. jaminjim

    Express 1 on the news

    While watching the news down in Laredo Express 1 was on the evening news. Why you might ask, Drug smuggling, or Mex smuggling. 400k worth of drugs.
  19. jaminjim

    While at the show

    History buffs might want to go here. Have not been there in years but it was kind of cool back then.
  20. jaminjim

    Door pockets

    My truck did not come with them, Freightliner say they can't look up part number without a vin #. Anybody help me out? 2004 M2