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  1. Turtle

    Power Inverter installation

    You want to keep the main batteries and the auxiliary batteries isolated from each other, so that if you draw down the aux batteries completely, your starting battery(ies) will still start the van. This is the same configuration as having a Starting Battery Bank and a House Battery Bank on a...
  2. Turtle

    DH miles

    Saw a bumper sticker a few years ago: I may be fat, but you're ugly, and I can always go on a diet. My favorite bumper sticker of all time, though, was on the back of a pickup truck, and it can certainly be adapted for any vehicle: I got this truck for my wife. Pretty good trade, huh!
  3. Turtle

    DH miles

    Wow. 5%-8% deadhead in expediting? Is that even possible? Is that All Miles less Loaded Miles = DH Miles, or are your deadhead figures something else? General trucking can vary wildly, but is usually less, but in expediting, 30% is a not a bad figure, about normal. Of course, the higher your...
  4. Turtle

    Sprinter Cargo Securement

    Mine isn't secured in the bracket at all. I just insert the brackets into the e-track, then drop the load bar in when I need it. It is actually easier, IMHO, to not have the wood attached to the bracket, because of that little lever on there.
  5. Turtle


    Insurance companies take in premiums, and then largely invest it into the stock market. :) Investing in the stock market involves some risk, and some parts of it are more risky than others (options, penny stocks, commodities), but it's not betting on games of chance, which is something very...
  6. Turtle


    You can't. Poker machines, the slots, they are all computer controlled and they (as a group) will pay out x-number of dollars only after they (as a group) have taken in a predefined x-number of dollars. A few years ago a real nasty storm slammed into Gulfport and Biloxi, Mississippi, taking...
  7. Turtle

    Mexican trucks update

    "To this day the scariest thing on the earth is a little old lady from Iowa armed only with her auto-mobile." A real close second is an itty bitty Chinese woman driving a great big SUV.
  8. Turtle


    Calm down, Broom. :) I don't think anyone brought up church because of you, but because the most vocal opponents against gambling tend to be the churches. They were just giving their opinions is all. It seems that you don't like casinos much, and that's fine. I'm not sure it's necessary to...
  9. Turtle

    Have you written or faxed your representatives yet

    RE: Have you written or faxed your representatives A friend of mine once worked in Washington as an assistant to TN Senator Fred Thompson (the actor). Told me straight up that faxes and e-mails rarely get read, but that typed, computer printed, and legible handwritten letters, anything they had...
  10. Turtle

    Sprinter noise/vibration

    I can plug Van :censoredsign:, as well. Around my 3rd oil change I was up in that part of the woods after dropping off a load, and as I drove by I decided to see if they could get me in for a quick oil and filter change, including the fuel filter. They had me in and out in under half an hour. I know I...
  11. Turtle

    Mexican Trucks

    It's gonna get real different before it gets better. It's a little dated, and contains a lot of, uhm, forward looking statements, but it's an interesting read.
  12. Turtle


    I don't have a problem with casinos. I don't gamble. Doesn't bother me a bit if someone else does.
  13. Turtle

    Don't knock the mexican drivers!!

    It was a rhetorical question. :) What is going on now is merely a part of NAFTA. It could have been announced on a Friday night or 7AM Monday and it wouldn't have mattered. NAFTA mandates all this, regardless. Yeah, I know Bush is in charge right now, and in charge of the borders. Every...
  14. Turtle


    Broom, my post wasn't negative. Not at all. My initial post was meant to lighten things up a bit, considering someone had just posted the name of someone they had a private beef with, a name that has since been edited out. While I do agree that these types of deadbeat gameplayers should be...
  15. Turtle

    AC for van question... is a good place to start. With them or any other RV place, get with them early, real early. Like next week. lol The problem comes from most of them being so busy working on RV's that they have sold, they won't want to take on any business for a vehicle they didn't sell...
  16. Turtle


    No, my Name is not Robert. :) I'm one of those who wants to work and play games, as well. Usually I want to play games when the van owner wants me to work tho. It's a fine line. hehe
  17. Turtle


    Is it me, or does that read like a follow-up posting to an online personals ad from some gay Web site?
  18. Turtle

    Why not to go to Mexico.

    Yeah, that's my understanding, too, that if you get into trouble down there, real or fabricated, your only option is to contact the American Embassy down there. Assuming, of course, they let you make the phone call in the first place.
  19. Turtle

    Don't knock the mexican drivers!!

    Which president was it, again, that signed NAFTA into law? I forget. Anyways, as for an army to turn back an invasion, I'm right there with ya on that one. I honestly don't have anything at all against Mexicans, legal or otherwise, who live here. I like it here, too. I can certainly understand...
  20. Turtle

    Mexican Trucks

    arkjarhead - yeah, that's how I took it. :) I thought it was funny, too. I can type, barely, I can't spell, mostly, and I refuse to proofread, like, totally.