Search results

  1. fastman_1

    February 2017 locations and more

    That's right keep moving buddy, nothing to see here! Lol Lost in Space.
  2. fastman_1

    February 2017 locations and more

    Happens all the time, if I take Mrs. Fast's car it always needs gas Lost in Space.
  3. fastman_1

    February 2017 locations and more

    Just take it slow! Get better and get back out here! Lost in Space.
  4. fastman_1

    February 2017 locations and more

    Offers all over the place today from 110 miles to 1100 miles.. got a little excited on the 1100 mile offer. Then remembered I'm a old dude! Lost in Space.
  5. fastman_1

    February 2017 locations and more

    Phone has started! Lost in Space.
  6. fastman_1

    February 2017 locations and more

    Yep that sucks. Lost in Space.
  7. fastman_1

    Jan..2017 locations & more

    Psst it's February now Lost in Space.
  8. fastman_1

    Jan..2017 locations & more

    Pssst it's February now Lost in Space.
  9. fastman_1

    February 2017 locations and more

    Back at it later today, Lost in Space.
  10. fastman_1

    Jan..2017 locations & more

    Rolling east of fham, 39 degrees Lost in Space.
  11. fastman_1

    Jan..2017 locations & more

    Empty in Nashtucky Illinois, bedtime at the Best Western! Lost in Space.
  12. fastman_1

    Jan..2017 locations & more

    Nashville Illinois today's adventure Lost in Space.
  13. fastman_1

    Jan..2017 locations & more

    First offer was a no thanks! Weather says it would be a long strange trip Lost in Space.
  14. fastman_1

    Jan..2017 locations & more

    Canadian I believe Lost in Space.
  15. fastman_1

    Jan..2017 locations & more

    Crap someone left the snow machine on last night, Mrs. Fast can't get to the office. Bet I get a load offer in cleveland Lost in Space.
  16. fastman_1

    Jan..2017 locations & more

    And back in service.. for some unknown reason! Lost in Space.
  17. fastman_1

    Cool van conversion

    Naw I'd get a 5th wheel trailer and go on shipping wars! Lost in Space.
  18. fastman_1

    Cool van conversion

    I would roll in that for sure! Sent from the deep end.
  19. fastman_1

    Jan..2017 locations & more

    Back home, feels weird not to have to put anything away, Mrs.Fast is a happy camper all the old stuff no longer taking up space. But I'm gonna miss that trailer when I have to move a car from shop to shop. Back in service after a shower and sleep. Sent from the deep end.
  20. fastman_1

    Jan..2017 locations & more

    Sounds like a good trade to me! Lol my pond has really been dead for a month. Sent from the deep end.