Search results

  1. OntarioVanMan

    What's the difference between...

    and some are insulted when they call them stupid truck drivers...some make hard to dispute...:rolleyes:
  2. OntarioVanMan

    October 2010 Locations

    Yes please..all vanners..don't go to Montana!!...:D
  3. OntarioVanMan

    October 2010 Locations

    As long as carriers and drivers keep lowballing these loads the shippers will party on....IF the carriers stuck together and let the freight sit on the dock, the rates would have to increase ...
  4. OntarioVanMan

    October 2010 Locations

    Really? Where do ya get winter air from? Do you store the summer air in something?;)
  5. OntarioVanMan

    South Dakota scale?

    Same here at has been that since I've moved here about 4 yrs now...Unless there has been a policy changed..they don't want us in there..But I'll do some checking...ya know states are strapped for cash and starting to enforce some rules more now... The new dual wheel sprinters are...
  6. OntarioVanMan

    Sprinter PM results

    All work got done even a new battery for about $1, back at home...
  7. OntarioVanMan

    South Dakota scale?

    All I can say is...the scaling weight is 8,000 GVW...They've never ever stopped me or made me pull in....I'll try to find out more...
  8. OntarioVanMan

    barry: Our 1st Post-Racial FAILURE defend the Constitution, the law of the land and I called you a "radical "...:confused:
  9. OntarioVanMan

    barry: Our 1st Post-Racial FAILURE

    I did not want to get into specifics...just generalizing...besides you are more radical then I am...*LOL*
  10. OntarioVanMan

    October 2010 Locations

    A change of plan...JuJu's getting everything ready for the van whilst I get it fixed down here..and we'll go straight to MN from Bison...
  11. OntarioVanMan

    barry: Our 1st Post-Racial FAILURE

    after 2 years with this guy..he has done absolutely nothing...but created a huge mess....
  12. OntarioVanMan

    HC PAULA...this will hit the mainland...

    Hurricane PAULA My best guess would be between Tampa and Pensicola..
  13. OntarioVanMan

    October 2010 Locations

    First here too....*LOL* I would hope you be gone by then...for business reasons...
  14. OntarioVanMan

    This should blow your minds

    Roadeyes..Happy Turkeyday to you too....:D these kooks have TD on a Thursday...WTF:eek:
  15. OntarioVanMan

    This should blow your minds

    NO..that is what they've always been... Both governments issue ID cards....for border crossings and tax exemptions and hunting privileges... It has their citizentry....North American I once got stuck behind an Indian trucker....the DHS border service demanded that he declare what citizen he...
  16. OntarioVanMan

    October 2010 Locations

    Good Morning Joe....You are about 6 days too early..JuJu and I will be there on Sunday...
  17. OntarioVanMan

    to owners/drivers

    Not convinced with the damsel in distress routine Mr Enemy?;)
  18. OntarioVanMan

    Fun At The Philly Rally.....

    does the book come with a How To Section?
  19. OntarioVanMan

    This should blow your minds

    Uh hummm...NO such thing as a Canadian there is no American Indian....Only citizens of North America...
  20. OntarioVanMan

    This should blow your minds

    Ohh that...forced sterilization...done BY Canadians unto the Citizens of North America.... A true North American cardholder neither claims to be Canadian...or American....when asked at border crossings they claim North American....