Search results

  1. Turtle

    It Figures!

    They wouldn't do a $200 rebate. The $100 difference is what you pay for having it first. If you got it in the 14 days prior to the rebate announcement, though, you get the full $200 refunded. The rebate is an in-store rebate, meaning a $100 discount on already way, way, way overpriced Apple...
  2. Turtle

    Sprinter CB placement

    I removed the passenger seat and in its place put a wooden box, a desk, I guess, that has some shelves to hold paperwork and junk, a top for the computer, etc. I mounted the CB and the QC on the side next to the driver's seat. Slow and steady, even in expediting, wins the race - Aesop
  3. Turtle

    Sprinter Stereo Speakers

    I replaced mine with some 4" Fosgates that were on sale at Best Buy. Took me about 15-20 minutes in the parking lot of the Best Buy in beautiful downtown Laredo. The pillars yank right off in the direction of the opposite window (driver's side gets yanked in the direction of the passenger wide...
  4. Turtle

    Sprinters and Speedco

    Buy a Fumoto oil drain valve, and then at your next oil change have them replace the oil drain plug with the Fumoto valve. That will eliminate any worries of you stripping the threads when doing the oil change yourself out on the road. It also eliminates 98.4% of the mess associated with...
  5. Turtle

    Home Time

    Interesting that those who regularly post here in this forum are also, by and large, successful expediters who know what kind of commitment it takes to be a success. Smart, computer literate, involved. So it's no wonder that Express-1 seized the opportunity to shut the doors and pitch recruiting...
  6. Turtle

    D Units on the Highways

    There are times when I seem to see a ton of FedEx or Panther or Tri-State Express-1 or <insert carrier du jour> trucks, and other times when I don't see one for days. Just like there are times when I rarely see a "no-name" carrier, and then a day or two later that's all I see. 2 or 3 weeks ago I...
  7. Turtle

    Are you really an Independent Contractor?

    I understand why they do it - they've been burned too many times by moron van drivers. I get it. The problem is, I'm not a moron. And even though they've been working on it for years, they still have no mechanism in place to differentiate the morons from us really smarter peoples. Slow and...
  8. Turtle

    WAY TO GO SPEEDCO!!!!!!!!!!!! Lots of places to order them from, or even pick one up locally. I ordered mine from here - seems to have the best price: If you get one with a nipple, you can order a hose for it there, too. I got...
  9. Turtle

    Welcome to Our World

    From the story online: "Interstate truck and bus drivers across America may find themselves pulled off the highway if state troopers or vehicle inspectors find they can't speak English." "Under the new enforcement regulations, drivers who can't speak English in the commercial zone may be...
  10. Turtle

    Are you really an Independent Contractor?

    "What they can’t tell you is how to drive, routes you take (unless it is a customer requirement or Hazmat), and really can’t hold it against you for hanging up on them after you refused to cross dock because you are able to take the load all the way through – amazing no one has caught on...
  11. Turtle

    Sleeping while truck is moving and you are not the

    RE: Sleeping while truck is moving and you are not has Serta memory foam toppers on the cheap. Doesn't matter what size you buy, it's the same price. I got the King size, 3" thick, and was able to cut it down to two bunk size mattresses. Most any upholsterer (look in the yellow...
  12. Turtle

    Are you really an Independent Contractor?

    "QC,GPS tracking, that you pay for, is that being independent?" Independent? By definition, no, it's not. But, then again, being an Independent Contractor is not the same as being autonomous. Having your own authority, that's independent. "Can't a cell phone or nextel phone be used." Yes, a...
  13. Turtle

    Cannot think of a good heading

    RE: I can - stupid people Greg, considering that truckers aren't "a group" to begin with, it's hard to expect them to pull together as one. Its hard to expect disjointed individuals to come together as an organized group, because there is simply no method for bringing them together. Grass...
  14. Turtle

    $#&*^% DARN IT!!!!

    Cheri is right. She may not be the brightest bulb on the string of lights... She's the third from the left. Slow and steady, even in expediting, wins the race - Aesop
  15. Turtle

    Anyone Follow Baseball ?

    Meanwhile, the Reds still suck. Slow and steady, even in expediting, wins the race - Aesop
  16. Turtle

    Latest on Mexican Trucks Issue

    If you go back and take a look, the initial groundwork for this started with Jimmy Carter, actually. In any event, do not look for much in the way of enforcement. This thing is being rammed down the throats of the American People, against the will of Congress, even, and with little or no...
  17. Turtle

    Airtabs on a van?

    I'm glad someone picked up on the dark streaks from the redirected air. The day before I had driven through a lot of rain and wet roads, so the van picked up a lot of dirt. But all that dirty water lets ya really see how the Airtabs focus the air. The Sprinter is already pretty good at keeping...
  18. Turtle

    XM radio - now what?

    There's something both exciting, and surreal, about driving through west Texas and listening to what traffic is like through the Cut of the Hill. <someone will get that> For me, it's all about the MLB. Slow and steady, even in expediting, wins the race - Aesop
  19. Turtle

    Airtabs on a van?

    Yes, it's a recommend. Again, because of that curve at the back of the Sprinter, it won't be an "Oh, Wow!" kind of a difference, but somewhere between 4% and 8% better fuel mileage makes it a recommend. Figuring conservatively at the low end of 4% and of only $200 a week in fuel, that's $8 a...
  20. Turtle

    US Customs Raises Rates

    RE: RE%3A US Customs Raises Rates Even when empty, I always cross in the commercial truck lanes. I may be empty, but from the outside I definitely look like a commercial vehicle. If I were to cross in the passenger car lanes, and stick out like a sore thumb.... you get the idea. I've always...