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  1. ATeam

    How Are You Getting Paid for Tolls?

    Before I accept as correct your explanation of "pass through," I want to see the IRS instruction that talks about it. I have never seen a carrier issue a Form 1099 with anything on it except income. That number is reduced by listing expenses on your Schedule C (for a sole proprietorship). The...
  2. ATeam

    March 2012 Locations

    It sounds more to me like the carrier's mistake and corrective action by a seasoned pro.
  3. ATeam

    How Are You Getting Paid for Tolls?

    You are mistaken. See post #13 above.
  4. ATeam

    How Are You Getting Paid for Tolls?

    Are you sure about that? We need to draw a distinction here. The receipt does not give you the right to take a deduction. Payment of the toll does. A receipt is proof that the deducted expense was incurred, not the expense itself. Who paid the toll? I did. Who incurred the expense? I did...