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  1. ATeam

    Tire Pressure/Rating and CSA...a little more involved

    There are several tire inflation products and gizmos available to provide solutions to tire inflation challenges. I'm not impressed with any of them. A simple tire gauge and the willingness to use it does the job. Basic tire knowledge is also helpful. A good place to obtain it is tire...
  2. ATeam

    Tire Pressure/Rating and CSA...a little more involved

    Yet another example where common sense is not so common. If you view 100 trucks parked overnight in a truck stop, how many drivers do you see checking their tire pressure in the morning before they begin their driving day? More drivers pee on their tires than check them.
  3. ATeam

    09-2010 Location only without banter

    Laid over near San Francisco. Dispatched to pick up freight on Monday. Spent all day yesterday in SF but did not rent the bikes and ride over the Golden Gate bridge as planned. Found too much other fun stuff to do before we got to the bike rental place.
  4. ATeam

    Tire Pressure/Rating and CSA...a little more involved

    I don't know if it is a trend in Indiana or if you happened to get the same nit picker a friend of mine did. He was put out of service for having loose U-bolts that hold the truck body onto the truck frame. The "loose" bolts were detected when the officer used a large pry bar to find them. They...
  5. ATeam

    09-2010 Location only without banter

    In the San Francisco Bay Area, laid over for the weekend. Dispatched to pick up freight on Monday. Diane and I will be riding rented bicycles over the Golden Gate Bridge tomorrow. :)
  6. ATeam

    Major new about FedEx

    I've been on this forum (on and off) for eight years and cannot remember a single time when FedEx did something that was not followed by some people saying that it meant the end of Custom Critical, the end of White Glove, the end of expedited reefer freight or the end of this, that or something...
  7. ATeam

    Unauthorized Passenger and CSA2010

    I just remembered something else about the passenger policy. This time it worked against the company because the policy was observed. We made a delivery just after business hours at military base in the desert. A crew stayed late to unload us and quickly departed once the job was done; except...
  8. ATeam

    Unauthorized Passenger and CSA2010

    Moderator O'Connell cannot post on his own?
  9. ATeam

    Unauthorized Passenger and CSA2010

    It is to me sad that FedEx Custom Critical prohibits passengers as they do. It's my truck. Who are they to say who I can have in it and who I cannot? I can understand a restriction when we are under load. That makes sense. But to prohibit passengers at all times without written permission seems...
  10. ATeam

    Winter is coming are you ready.

    Saw tire chains on prominent display in a Nebraska truck stop today; yet another sign that winter is coming and another item to add to the check lists above. We added something else this year; a Florida vacation home. Winter driving will be different for Diane and me this year because if and...
  11. ATeam

    Great News for Third Party Advocates

    Horner's public policy information is on his web site. Click the issues link at the top of the page. Not being as politically involved as I once was, I'm not in a position to discuss or defend specifics. I am impressed with the fact that Horner's state budget proposal is --...
  12. ATeam

    Bust those CSA myths!

    Nice piece. Thank you for posting it.
  13. ATeam

    How much does a sleeper cost?

    Same concept here, only using a KW chasis and two factory sleepers.
  14. ATeam

    Great News for Third Party Advocates

    It is not uncommon in races where third party candidates have a genuine presence for those candidates to be strong in the polls early on and then slide down as Election Day nears. People are open to choices when they don't have to make them and then they revert to old patterns when the actual...
  15. ATeam

    Great News for Third Party Advocates

    Having had enough politics to last three lifetimes, I rarely read or post in The Soapbox forum but am making an exception today to share news that third-party advocates will enjoy. Independent and third-party candidates face formidable challenges in any election. Just getting on the ballot...
  16. ATeam

    CV and a tear drop camper

    You could address the toungue weight issue by adding a lift axle between the back of the van and the front of the trailer. :)
  17. ATeam

    New truck trends?

    That's exactly what I thought too but came to believe different based on what my reefer dealer told me. I put a call into my dealer to double check and will let you know what he says when he returns the call.
  18. ATeam

    Shirts and ties

    Amen! Say it, Driver!
  19. ATeam

    How much does a sleeper cost?

    We paid about $70,000 for our custom-built, 132" ARI sleeper in 2006 and I asked them the same question you are asking here. I pointed out that we are paying $70,000 for an 11 foot sleeper and 40 foot camping trailers can be purchased for half that price. What's the difference? I asked...
  20. ATeam

    Shirts and ties

    Others may disagree but I don't think our WG/TVAL customers would be particularly impressed with WG drivers wearing ties. I think most of them would think it wierd. That is because almost none of them wear ties and wearing one yourself puts you out of place. These people are shipping and...