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    The Tea Party Strikes Again.

    While the US House of Representatives is divided among the states by proportion to population, each state is granted at least one US Representative. By law, the total number of voting US Representatives is fixed at 435. Some US territories have a shadow member or non-voting representative. In...
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    The Tea Party Strikes Again.

    We are a nation in dire need of a remedial civics course.
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    The Tea Party Strikes Again.

    I would prefer fewer states as opposed to more. Our centralized government in Washington, DC grows stronger, in part, because too many states are teeny little things not much larger than one or two good-sized counties out West. Delaware, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Hampshire? We need strong...
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    The Tea Party Strikes Again.

    Breaking California into 3 states would reward that area with a total of 6 US Senators rather than the two they currently enjoy. Making NYC a separate state would give liberals 2 more US Senators. Stacking the United States Senate with more semi-permanent liberals is not an appealing prospect...
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    Medal of Honor ceremony for Lance Corporal Kyle Carpenter.

    Don't despair too much about the current generation of young Americans. Many, many of them still aspire to do what is right. Here is an exceptional young man: Medal Honor Ceremony | Video |
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    The Tea Party Strikes Again.

    More thoughts on Fox News and CNN. Each news channel appeals to a certain audience. From my point of view after watching CNN since its inception by Ted Turner, CNN reflects more of an international flavor than does Fox. CNN projects a "no borders/ we are the world" mentality. CNN is likely...
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    Meanwhile in Kenya.

    Anyone spot a common thread between these killings and the barbarism going on in the Middle East? Militants Kill Kenyan Men, Order Women to Watch - Somali group blamed for rampage in coastal town
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    ISIS on the move in Iraq.

    An appeal to reason isn't going to work with jihadists: ISIS militants seize dozens of Iraqi soldiers before driving them to the desert to be shot | Mail Online
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    The Tea Party Strikes Again.

    Is CNN the Devil's workshop? They do a fine job reporting accurately on earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and related natural disasters. However, when a political event presents itself, the mask of objectivity falls off: Presidential Debate 2012: Outrage as moderator Candy Crowley sides...
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    The Tea Party Strikes Again.

    Fox News has a right-leaning bias. Why would anyone think differently? I appreciate that Fox News gives the conservative point of view a fair hearing. There are no news organizations free of bias. That conservatives have one outlet which doesn't demean them seems appropriate. Does Fox News...
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    To all the dad's out there.

    When my son was a little boy, he ususally woke with a smile on his face, ready to embark on a new day of exploration and wonder. We had an extremely close bond, talking endlessly about every topic under the Sun. He was an accelerated learner who often astonished his teachers and his parents...
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    ISIS on the move in Iraq.

    The names and faces change, but the means and methods do not. 'This is our ball?it is made of skin #World Cup': Sunni extremists in Iraq post sickening video showing slaughter and beheading of police major in bid to terrorize disintegrating security forces - NY Daily News
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    Results of Obama Incompetence Continue to Accumulate

    Listening to world news , today, most everything I hear is war hysteria about the imminent collapse of Iraq. The Shia and Sunnis cannot get along. Not surprisingly, when left to their own devices, the outcome is sectarian warfare. A group known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria(ISIS) has...
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    The Tea Party Strikes Again.

    Those voting Tuesday in Virginia's 7th District primary must have developed a palpable disgust for Cantor. It was an anti-Establishment vote. A textbook example of grassroots groundswell against incumbency. To his credit, Dave Brat did a lot of things correctly. Having basically no money...
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    Why we don't need liberals ideas

    Ruffian or non-ruffian, it is not part of our culture or way of life to allow long guns to be carried openly in restaurants, shopping centers or similar public places. We have a tenuous hold on the 2nd admendment. Let's not allow overzealous gun enthusiasts to tip our rights away.
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    What a happy find! AJ Lee.

    One of the girls is on the path to success, now. Molly Tuttle often accompanies AJ Lee singing harmony and playing guitar. Apparently, Molly is serious about having a future in music. She is enrolled as a student at Berklee College of Music. Here is a video of Molly performing one of...
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    Why we don't need liberals ideas

    The hope is to find balance between the right to carry and the right not to have some ruffian walk into McDonald's with a pump shotgun. Concealed carry is that balance.
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    Why we don't need liberals ideas

    Most all of us are ardent supporters of the 2nd admendent. Still, the image and optics of several people showing up at a public establishment openly carrying long guns is unnecessarily and deliberately provocative. It is unsettling, in-your-face provocative. They will be portrayed as gun...
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    What a happy find! AJ Lee.

    What an endless source of fascination American music can be. Gram Parsons wrote "Hickory Wind" on a train ride from Florida to California in 1968, according to Wiki. Here is Emmylou Harris discussing Gram Parsons: Emmylou Harris talks about...
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    What a happy find! AJ Lee.

    Still in high school. Tremendous Bluegrass vocals from California. Rounder Records should be talking to this girl. Now. The Tuttles and AJ Lee "Hickory Wind" Gram Parson cover - YouTube Her emotive wail is pristine. Whew!