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  1. Dynamite 1

    running on your own

    I know there are quite a few here on EO who have their own authority and find their own freight. just curious as to actually how many we have doing this. so any who are please post so i can get some actual numbers. seems this is kind of becoming more than just a rogue 1 or 2 here and there...
  2. Dynamite 1

    fuel surcharges

    just a question, curious to know what kind of f/s everyone that hauls for the big 3 through nlmi have been seeing . just a cpm that is either standard for your company or a average if your fsc fluxuates. thanks in advance for your responses. TNT
  3. Dynamite 1

    how upset would you get and what would you do

    i asked the question on administrative fees on comdata and the response has not been overwhelming. so i believe i should reword and elaborate on the subject. our current carrier we are leased with, starting 3/1/07 is charging a 5% admin. fee to adv. your comdata card. for example, to advance...
  4. Dynamite 1

    administrative fees for comdata advances

    ok all, just a question to get some information. do any of you get charged an administrative fee to get an advance on your comdata card. you all know what i mean, the money you get after you p/u a load for fuel or whatever. not charged by comdata, but charged to you by the carrier you are leased...
  5. Dynamite 1

    insurance and previous post

    on wed. 11/9 i believe, i made a post about insurance coverage. i got online to check what replies had been made only to see that my post was down inline 8 or 9 spots under posts that were there long before i made mine. no big deal i guess just wondering how that happened. thought it would stay...
  6. Dynamite 1

    insurance, are you covered as well as you think

    in the last week , after a terrible accident injured fellow expediters we have come to a conclusion that when not under a load some of us may not be insured. sure we all have non-trucking liability if we hit someone else but are you covered if you put it in the ditch or whatever that does not...