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  1. x06col

    I'm New w/Startup Questions

    The world is full of folks trying to "screw the pooch" these days. Caused by stewpid, don't wanna, and a myrade of other reasons. I'm certain your "delima" has been "caused" by someone else, but, why continue the charaid? If you have difficulty again, you'll take your daughter with you.
  2. x06col

    What is the law?

    That's precisely it there singer. Even if corporate america don't get this "using too much fuel" thing. We all can still help.
  3. x06col

    What happened to long runs?

    Plenty of long ones out there. Been back to back RT, IN - CA for a month now, if, ya wanna work that hard. Yea, that don't wanna list is about standard these days. Just ask the Hawk, he'll tell ya.
  4. x06col

    Overall Length

    Well, "our" Carrier loads em like a freight train. After all, they are trucks. And as Broompilot alerted me to in a PM, lots a yous clowns could have some humdinger camping machines, if'n ya wanted to do Nevada.
  5. x06col

    Overall Length

    IL is a 42ft state, CO,CT,ID,KS,KY,ME,MO,NH,OK,SD,TX,UT,ARE 45FT states, VT 46ft state, ND 50ft state, MT 55ft state, WY 60ft state, NV 70 ft state. Rest are 40 foot.
  6. x06col

    Stuck in deadend Express Center

    Wow! Can't figgure out something to do in a Motel for four days?? You really do need some coaching. Take all kinds, I guess.
  7. x06col

    What is the law?

    Well, i'm convinced, the dipping double beneficiary wuz probly complaining it wuz too cold, too hot, too far, too short, too sumpin. But, the real travesty about this is, he wuz chirp'in to someone who he didn't know, who seems to wanna drop a dime on him. Amazing to me.
  8. x06col

    What is the law?

    Ahh, dipping double? Yes. Falsifying documents? No. All I can add to this, is.... that fella you were talk'in to wuz a dumb mother.
  9. x06col

    Self Imposed Deadhead

    That, then, is an easy one. Go without the truckstop.
  10. x06col

    Short Term Diesel Report

    A joke, eh? I think not.
  11. x06col

    How Does it Feel to Buy Fuel?

    Took inventory this morning. Had about $1500 (worth) of fuel (gaz/diesel) sitting in tanks, waiting to be used. Amazing! Ain't it? Used to be able to buy a pretty decent vehicle for that.
  12. x06col

    Flat Rate Pay Plan

    Problem is there Jeff, most of em typing on here, iz prolly doing the talk'in too. Little hard to run from yousef.
  13. x06col

    looking for loads

    Yes it is nite. Much better. Depending on your safety rating and claims history you estimates are plenty high. Other costs are relative. You need to average them over a "long haul period". This seems to be something many can't do in this business- - - average things out over a period of...
  14. x06col

    advice please new guy starting wednesday

    Unequiped?? It appears to have a motor, transmission, sleeper and cargo area.
  15. x06col

    How much does a dispatcher have to Invest

    Wow, a couple days, an no takers. Nobody want to chance it??
  16. x06col

    Flat Rate Pay Plan

    "We are what expedite is all about" Yak, cough, puke. Get real!
  17. x06col

    advice please new guy starting wednesday

    I wouldn't go spend a lot of funds on "things" that others "think" they need. Get out there, find out how "you" negotiate life on the road. and what will make "your" life there bearable for "you". Then get it. Just remember in this business, you are not trying to make others happy. Less of...
  18. x06col

    FECC New DIspatch System

    Thats it Dave, chocolate, or that other stuff. Ain't no guarantee. You know. Seems you want that roasted goose. Eh? An thats ok, if you choose.
  19. x06col

    FECC New DIspatch System

    I just don't understand why y'all are whining about $!.10 freight, when the Hawk whined bout $1.20 freight that'd set im up for $2.85 blanket wrap freight going 2400 miles, next load. It is all reletave, if ya jes don't wana. Ya never know what's in da box a chocolates. If,n ya don't like...
  20. x06col

    How much does a dispatcher have to Invest

    hey nite, favoritism? Is that similar to negotiating? How much time do you spend negotiating? How much time should a dispatcher spend kissing someones *** to get a load covered? Favoritism? Me no tink so. It is ALL da same, depending, which side da fence yer on. You know.