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  1. Ragman

    What does your screen name mean?

    I like Murray!
  2. Ragman

    What does your screen name mean?

    We can tell. :p
  3. Ragman

    Guy Gets caught breaking into trailers, Killed

    Really? Ya just had to go political with this! There is nothing political about this situation. I know many conservatives believe as I do and many liberals as you do ( Oh those poor souls ).
  4. Ragman

    What does your screen name mean?

    Bump. With all the new members since this thread was first started, I thought it would be interesting to hear from them.
  5. Ragman

    Yes, the loading at the shipper

  6. Ragman

    Sinkhole under the Corvette Museum in KY

    Dang! ..............
  7. Ragman

    What would you do?

    I always hold the door open for who ever is behind me, where ever I am.
  8. Ragman

    We are in an article!

    Congrats! May you earn lots of money with it. ;)
  9. Ragman

    Guy Gets caught breaking into trailers, Killed

    4 guys beating on 1 is mob rule to me.
  10. Ragman

    When is the Expo?

  11. Ragman

    Guy Gets caught breaking into trailers, Killed

    That's not a fair comparison. The thief in the OP was not in somebodys home, he was breaking into trailers. The police should have been called after he was subdued, instead he was beaten to death. Mob rule is just wrong no matter how it is sugar coated.
  12. Ragman

    When is the Expo?

  13. Ragman

    This hillbilly can sing when she isn't acting stupid.

    And dare I say it, George Harrison and Ringo Starr.
  14. Ragman

    Guy Gets caught breaking into trailers, Killed

    Nope . . . Wrong . . . Wrong . . . Nobody ever said not to punish criminals, and punish severely. The problem we have here is other members feel DEATH!!! is the answer to everything. Is that the type of rule of law we want to live under? I sure don't!
  15. Ragman

    Multiple Year Losses

    That's crazy! Why would you want to pay unnecessary taxes on a non-existent profit?
  16. Ragman

    Guy Gets caught breaking into trailers, Killed

    If the system is broken, we need to get involved and fix it. Nothing else matters.
  17. Ragman

    Guy Gets caught breaking into trailers, Killed

    Sorry, I couldn't resist.
  18. Ragman

    Guy Gets caught breaking into trailers, Killed

    Beating a man to death is not the answer. Yes, the system is broken, but resorting to mob rule does nothing to fix things.
  19. Ragman

    Guy Gets caught breaking into trailers, Killed

    No, it is not ok to steal, give me more credit than that! According to the article stated 3 or 4 men were able to subdue him. Was it necessary to beat him to death? At some time during the beating, it must have been obvious he was not armed.