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  1. TeamCaffee

    Canada Canada Reminder

    Thanks for the info! Thought we where going to have to replace our FAST cards and the work great. :)
  2. TeamCaffee

    Canada Canada Reminder

    Leo Is that different then the FAST card? Thanks
  3. TeamCaffee

    Canada Canada Reminder

    Leo What is a CDRP? Thanks :)
  4. TeamCaffee

    FECC Contest - PITIFULL !!!

    We agree with ATeam, what is it with Davekc and FedEx CC? We sure get tired of reading posts from someone who does not work for FedEx CC bashing them. As far as the contest goes we will continue to say no to cheap freight and if we qualify great and if we dont we have still made money. We...
  5. TeamCaffee

    hazmat loads

    We do get a little extra for taking a HazMat load, helps pay for the license. We have never had a problem with a HazMat load but if you get pulled over they do check your paperwork closer. We take all HazMat loads if they pay enough to keep us moving!
  6. TeamCaffee

    2.499 a Gallon for Fuel

    We bought fuel this morning 9/12 at the Quik Trip I75 exit 306 Goergia for 2.559 went back through that afternoon bought fuel again for 2.499. This price was between .16 cents cheaper and .30 cents cheaper then fuel stops in the area. Just a helpful not if you are in the area ....
  7. TeamCaffee

    I've had enough

    We are sure sorry to see anyone have to go back to a 9 to 5 job good luck Fastman_1. We agree with you 100% BigRed32771. We are following the same plan you have set out and hopefully are stats dont get to bad. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next month due to the contest...
  8. TeamCaffee

    Hurricane Relief Info

    We are in New Orleans now. Stopped at Pilot on I65 Satsuma AL going west Pilot only open from 7:00 a.m. to I believe 7:00 at night. Fuel unlimeted at 2.749. After that stop going into Mississippi and Louisiana you can get fuel but the lines are very very long. We had to stay on I10 to I12...
  9. TeamCaffee

    ETA Lock

    I sure hate to hear of something like that. Whenever we have had a lock put on us the status checks we do show this. When you did a status check there was nothing showing a lock was put on you? If we sit for 24 hours we call our CC and find out which direction we need to move if at all.
  10. TeamCaffee


    We also use a Sprint Wireless card. At one time we used our phone as the modem but found the wireless card works a lot better and usually gets a signal even if our phone does not. You also do not have the hassle of a phone flopping around if you move your laptop around the truck. You also...
  11. TeamCaffee

    Why have the Expeditors Expo?

    We have been lurkers for a few years now and just decided we really might have something to share. We read and read and read the expeditors online open forum before decided to attend the expo in 2004. We really read about being financially sound before jumping off the deep end and become...
  12. TeamCaffee

    EXPO 05

    :) We also want to thank Lawrence and crew for a great Expo. We met a lot of great people and future expeditors. We would also like to thank all Truck Pride Show participants. We really enjoyed seeing the trucks and meeting their drivers. We really enjoyed meeting flamemerc and seeing his...