Search results

  1. C


    Too the many Canadians who really are our friends, many thanks. I would like to know where all of the damn Hollywood airheads are. One hour after the Tsunami hit Asia, they were screaming for us cheap bastards to cough up more money for relief! Why do you not here one word from them to help...
  2. C

    Friday July 1

    Thanks for the tip. Will have to be careful about deliveries going north for Friday with "Unconfirmed" delivery.
  3. C


    Is a 65/35 split normal for a team these days? I know some owners cry that they are not making enough money. The problem is, if the team is grossing 2000 a week but spending 1500 on fuel, they are not getting rich either.
  4. C


    Would really like to know what kind of split other drivers are getting from truck owners. I have been told that fuel surcharge is figured with a complicated formula and that is why owner cannot pay it to me. It is easier to just keep it along with detention pay and any other misc charges and...
  5. C

    Truck jumping?

    Thanks for the inputs.
  6. C

    Truck jumping?

    Should have added that in first post, driving single for FEDCC. Responded to a few ads for drivers that wanted to drive team, but never get a response.
  7. C

    Truck jumping?

    Thinking about going from a D to a B unit, a sprinter. Can anyone give me input for or against?