So Israel is allowed to do whatever they want and we have to accept it???? I have been anti-Israel for a long time, the "woke" people are just jumping on the bandwagon.
Where exactly do you live? You make it sound like every single profession and every single person in your neighborhood is wearing a mask everywhere they go and for everything they do. I work in quite a few industries in my life including welding and fabricating which included industrial paint.... Farming and milking cows.... Landscape....etc. Not once did any of us including myself wear a mask. First because it just was not needed.. the second because it restricts oxygen whenever you're doing high level physical activities. You can't put a plastic bag over your mouth and clean that it's good because it's blocking out whatever might get in.... It's different than throwing on a mask.I honestly don't give a rat's ass if you wear a mask or get vaccinated. I'm serious, I couldn't care less.
Nope. The guy who mows lawns in the neighborhood wears a mask. Guys working construction, sawing and sanding, wear a mask. The paper surgical masks are worn by a lot of people in hospitals, and I guess that's a specialized environment, considering those places are breeding grounds for staphylococcus and pneumococcal pneumonia.
You saying it's a fact doesn't make it a fact. The fact is, you don't get less oxygen while wearing a mask while doing normal work and activities. That's one of the requirements for NIOSH and OSHA certification for an N95 mask, and it's required by the ANSI standard. Cloth and paper masks allow exponentially more oxygen in than N95 masks do. So even while wearing an N95 mask, which is what I usually wear, you aren't lacking oxygen.
They (ask Rags, he knows 'em) have been testing masks for decades to check for oxygen, carbon dioxide, moisture and lots of other things. I've picked up and delivered to a testing lab in Michigan that does some of that very testing. The type of N95 mask I use is in part due to their recommendation (and my doctor). (3M™ 8511 vented particulate respirator)
Your average person is stupid if they're doing that because their health or life depends on it. On the other hand, doing what they're doing is precisely the way you do Mask Theater, which is what most people are doing, and is what Fauci recommends.
It's both feasible and possible to change out masks whenever they need changing. It can be inconvenient, but it is definitely possible. I never reuse a paper mask. I don't wear cloth masks. I will reuse an N95 mask, but not until it's been sanitized and has sat untouched for 7 days.
Your information on masks is inadequate and incorrect. Just like your justifications for not getting the vaccine, it appears that your justifications for not wearing a mask are just stuff you found on the internet that sounded good, worked as a reason to not wear a mask, so you went with it.
Dear Drivers and Owner OperatorsAre you an ambitious, independent sprinter van driver with a passion for the open road? We invite you to become a part of our dynamic team as a Owner-Operator!Why Choose Us?✓ Unparalleled Independence: As an Owner-Operator, you are your own boss! Take control of your schedule, work on your terms.✓ Lucra ... Apply Today!
No not exactly.. however anti-Semitism shouldn't be tolerated under any circumstances.
So Israel is allowed to do whatever they want and we have to accept it???? I have been anti-Israel for a long time, the "woke" people are just jumping on the bandwagon.
Third degree burns prevent sunburn but you don't set yourself on fire before going to the beach.That is true, every little bit helps.
You act like it's still an issue of being able to access the vaccine. You literally can walk into any Walmart right now which is everywhere and get one for free. They are going around the country in some places and doing pop-up vaccination sites where they're only getting maybe a handful a day.Since kids under 12 cant be vaccinated, masks are the next best thing. The overall vaccination rate here in the 2 most populated counties here in south Florida are 75% and 63% and now are climbing again. They made it soo easy down here to get the shot with the drive thru sites, I wonder in some of the more rural counties that is part of the reason for the low vaccination rate.
I would love to know who is behind all of the crazy info on the vaccines floating around on the internet, what do they gain by spreading misinformation?
I of that very testing. The type of N95 mask I use is in part due to their recommendation (and my doctor). (3M™ 8511 vented particulate respirator)
Your average person is stupid if they're doing that because their health or life depends on it. On the other hand, doing what they're doing is precisely the way you do Mask Theater, which is what most people are doing, and is what Fauci recommends.
It's both feasible and possible to change out masks whenever they need changing. It can be inconvenient, but it is definitely possible. I never reuse a paper mask. I don't wear cloth masks. I will reuse an N95 mask, but not until it's been sanitized and has sat untouched for 7 days.
Your information on masks is inadequate and incorrect. Just like your justifications for not getting the vaccine, it appears that your justifications for not wearing a mask are just stuff you found on the internet that sounded good, worked as a reason to not wear a mask, so you went with it.
So anti-Israel and anti-Sematic are the same thing? I dont dislike Jews, I do however dislike the way Israel treats the Palestinians.No not exactly.. however anti-Semitism shouldn't be tolerated under any circumstances.
In all fairness Democrat governors ordered the shutdown of businesses and in some cases fined and arrested owners who refused to comply with their unconstitutional orders..... Where were the Democrats trying about that?
Tell me something smart guy.. if the vaccination is so effective and it's so required..... Why does the government have to bribe, coerce, bulky, and mandate them?I honestly don't give a rat's ass if you wear a mask or get vaccinated. I'm serious, I couldn't care less.
Nope. The guy who mows lawns in the neighborhood wears a mask. Guys working construction, sawing and sanding, wear a mask. The paper surgical masks are worn by a lot of people in hospitals, and I guess that's a specialized environment, considering those places are breeding grounds for staphylococcus and pneumococcal pneumonia.
You saying it's a fact doesn't make it a fact. The fact is, you don't get less oxygen while wearing a mask while doing normal work and activities. That's one of the requirements for NIOSH and OSHA certification for an N95 mask, and it's required by the ANSI standard. Cloth and paper masks allow exponentially more oxygen in than N95 masks do. So even while wearing an N95 mask, which is what I usually wear, you aren't lacking oxygen.
They (ask Rags, he knows 'em) have been testing masks for decades to check for oxygen, carbon dioxide, moisture and lots of other things. I've picked up and delivered to a testing lab in Michigan that does some of that very testing. The type of N95 mask I use is in part due to their recommendation (and my doctor). (3M™ 8511 vented particulate respirator)
Your average person is stupid if they're doing that because their health or life depends on it. On the other hand, doing what they're doing is precisely the way you do Mask Theater, which is what most people are doing, and is what Fauci recommends.
It's both feasible and possible to change out masks whenever they need changing. It can be inconvenient, but it is definitely possible. I never reuse a paper mask. I don't wear cloth masks. I will reuse an N95 mask, but not until it's been sanitized and has sat untouched for 7 days.
Your information on masks is inadequate and incorrect. Just like your justifications for not getting the vaccine, it appears that your justifications for not wearing a mask are just stuff you found on the internet that sounded good, worked as a reason to not wear a mask, so you went with it.
We have been vaccinating people for over a hundred years, there are no long term negative effects of a vaccine.You act like it's still an issue of being able to access the vaccine. You literally can walk into any Walmart right now which is everywhere and get one for free. They are going around the country in some places and doing pop-up vaccination sites where they're only getting maybe a handful a day.
It's not a problem of access.. it's the fact that people are able to think for themselves and do not want it!
Is it really that crazy to see with your own two eyes that even if you get vaccinated you're still supposed to wear a mask and social distance? Is it that crazy to see how Democrats did a 180 on the vaccine as soon as their guy got elected for public office? Is it that crazy to see that people are still indeed dying despite being fully vaccinated? Is it that crazy to see that people don't want to take a vaccine where they don't know the long-term effects and cannot hold the company's legally or fiscally responsible?
Kids rarely spread it or get sick from the virus. Masks on kids won't be beneficial and will probably make matters worse. What is the percentage of school teachers in Broward county that aren't vaccinated? What is the reason for the lagging vaccination rates among democratic voters who make up a much larger population in Broward county?Since kids under 12 cant be vaccinated, masks are the next best thing. The overall vaccination rate here in the 2 most populated counties here in south Florida are 75% and 63% and now are climbing again. They made it soo easy down here to get the shot with the drive thru sites, I wonder in some of the more rural counties that is part of the reason for the low vaccination rate.
I would love to know who is behind all of the crazy info on the vaccines floating around on the internet, what do they gain by spreading misinformation?
This is more of a gene therapy, but ok.We have been vaccinating people for over a hundred years, there are no long term negative effects of a vaccine.
Ok, I will give you that, the mRna vaccines are not the typical ones, I dont know if I would go as far as being a gene therapy but its does accomplish immunity differently than most vaccines.This is more of a gene therapy, but ok.
We've been vaccinating people with the covid-19 vaccines for years?? Wow that's certainly news to me! How many years have we been vaccinating people with the covid-19 vaccine?We have been vaccinating people for over a hundred years, there are no long term negative effects of a vaccine.
Maybe if the Palestinians stopped digging tunnels into israel to kill Jews then maybe Israel would be nicer.So anti-Israel and anti-Sematic are the same thing? I dont dislike Jews, I do however dislike the way Israel treats the Palestinians.
I was talking about vaccines in general, not the specific one for covid.We've been vaccinating people with the covid-19 vaccines for years?? Wow that's certainly news to me! How many years have we been vaccinating people with the covid-19 vaccine?
To be clear, I dont think the Palestinians are better than the Israelis I just think of both groups the same way, they are both wrong!!!Maybe if the Palestinians stopped digging tunnels into israel to kill Jews then maybe Israel would be nicer.
I'm not giving you my address. But I live in western KY.Where exactly do you live?
I don't know why you think it sounded like that. I explicitly singled out the guy who mows the lawns in the neighborhood, not everybody who's lawn he mows. I explicitly singled out the guys in construction who are doing the sawing sanding and painting, not anyone else.You make it sound like every single profession and every single person in your neighborhood is wearing a mask everywhere they go and for everything they do.
High level physical activities, yes, but not normal daily activities and normal working activities. High level physical activities are not the norm for most people.the second because it restricts oxygen whenever you're doing high level physical activities.
I'm not trying to convince you of anything, other than to use rational and reasonable justifications if you're going to cite justifications.I'm glad that you don't care if I wear a mask or get vaccinated.. despite you trying to convince me that there's nothing wrong with it and it's okay..... But that's another conversation for another day.
I've never tried to convince you or anyone else of that. And I defy you to locate a quote where I said cloth or paper masks do that.You're not even going to convince me that your cloth or paper mask is actually stopping the spread or preventing you from catching it.....
I don't care for your address. Just getting an idea. That's really cool because I also have lived in Kentucky for a few years. Eastern KY, but still the same I know for a fact they aren't asking up in the manner that you're saying. LolI'm not giving you my address. But I live in western KY
Would you consider landscaping to be high activity? I've worked is.High level physical activities, yes, but not normal daily activities and normal working activities. High level physical activities are not the norm for most people.
Kinda seems like it....but ok. I'm glad that's the case because I have already made my decision and I stand by it. Furthermore I use rational and reasonable thinking for everything I do in life including what I do or don't put in my body. I look at the facts that are obvious.... I then use my common sense and personal judgment to make decisions.I'm not trying to convince you of anything, other than to use rational and reasonable justifications if you're going to cite justifications.
Okay well we're talking about the covid vaccine... Not vaccines in general. So you can't really say that there are no long term issues with the vaccine...... because it hasn't been out long term.I was talking about vaccines in general, not the specific one for covid.
Your information on masks regarding oxygen depravation and carbon dioxide toxicity is incorrect, yes. I never addressed your information on wearing masks and socially distancing of you've been vaccinated.So is my information incorrect that despite being fully vaccinated you're still supposed to wear a mask and socially distance?
Your information on masks are incorrect, yes. I'm not sure what that has to do with holding companies liable, though.Is my information incorrect that if something bad happens to you or a loved one including life loss that you cannot legally or civilly hold the company that produced the vaccine liable?
No, there have been people who have caught covid and even died after being vaccinated, rare as those instances are. But your information on masks and justifications for not getting the vaccine are incorrect.Is my information incorrect that there have been people who have died and caught covid despite being partially or fully vaccinated?
No.Am I incorrect to say that no one knows what the long-term effects of this vaccine is going to be?
I'm not in pain, nor did I pump my ass with poison. I'm also not now nor have I ever been terrified over what my government has said.I mean I get it.. if you made the decision to pump your ass full of poison.... And you need to pretend you did the right thing as a coping mechanism.... Then good on you. I understand your pain and I would actually be pretty terrified if the government lied to me to get a vaccine that doesn't do what they say it's going to do.
I have never once bullied anybody into getting the vaccine. Or to wear a mask. On many occasions I have stated quite plainly that whether or not to get the vaccine or to wear a mask is a risk/reward decision that people need to make for themselves.Truth be told though.. if you really believe the vaccine was effective as you say it is..... You wouldn't be trying to bully people into getting.
Well, gee, I worked in an ER, I worked for a chemical manufacturing company, I worked in industrial chemical application, chemical spill cleanup, construction, and painting. Every one of those jobs required training in PPE. I've worn and had training in every type of PPE except radiology, and I even had a little bit of that kind of training.What is your professional background dealing with chemical and biological? If you have no professional or formal training you need to stop...
Dear Drivers and Owner OperatorsAre you an ambitious, independent sprinter van driver with a passion for the open road? We invite you to become a part of our dynamic team as a Owner-Operator!Why Choose Us?✓ Unparalleled Independence: As an Owner-Operator, you are your own boss! Take control of your schedule, work on your terms.✓ Lucra ... Apply Today!