Isnt that Family Dollar?
Sent from my VS995 using Tapatalk
Sent from my VS995 using Tapatalk
The old rate debate gets old..
My opinion.... WOM is happy with what he has ..isn’t that what it’s all about? Being happy at your chosen field?
He’s making what he needs... not what anyone else might need.... or think he needs.... just let it go and be happy....![]()
Isnt that Family Dollar?
Sent from my VS995 using Tapatalk
And WHAT do you consider yourself as ????
Did mine last Monday when home(tax accountant)... Refund..And WHAT do you consider yourself as ????
I sent mine to my tax guy the day I received my 1099. Im good. Its kopastectic.
And WHAT do you consider yourself as ????
I sent mine to my tax guy the day I received my 1099. Im good. Its kopastectic.
Yeah , I drove 9,000 less miles , worked (lol) 3 more days and made more money .Yup, IRS debited my account today. Guess I didn't work cheap enough since I had to pay.
Sent from my moto z3 using EO Forums mobile app
Guido might be a Little Fluffier.. ...
Oh , I am not as " Busy " doing loads as "Some " seemed to think .Actually, as consistently busy you are all the time, the "fluffer" term fits you better. Way
Wanna continue down this road?
Oh , I am not as " Busy " doing loads as "Some " seemed to think .
But , I do make Good Money for My All Miles driven .
The App is a Priceless Tool , but some seem to fight it instead of using it for their Next " Chess " move load wise .
Another Secret... Never Call Dispatch... let them do their job ...
Well ,if you have noticed over the last 5 to 6 months, I don't post every load or every Location either on EO or FB . The Haters have followed ME from Bolt Express to Active/RRE to Load 1 and "MOST " are leased to L-1 . I don't know why they don't like me Posting loads , but to keep the Mumbling to Minimal , I just post alot less , especially on EO .Oh, exactly, as I use the same methods as well. My moving to better areas is minimal, however, a system that has worked very well for me. Triangulation, a term and philosophy that OVM and I have agreed on in the past years. I hate excessive relocation miles. I dont care how many deadhead miles a load has, as long as the "pay for all miles" is close to what I prefer to make. The only time I call dispatch is if there is the slightest load discrepancy of any kind, delay, etc. Another reason why I see the "multicarrier" model as very inefficient and outdated. My freind is one of those. He makes 4 calls to 4 companies he is leased to when he gets a load. When he emptied out. Imagine all the others leased to those small companies doing the same thing. How does the small office staff in those companies have the time to look, bid, and book loads with that kind of poorly structured setup? Absolutely ludicrous.
The difference between you and me is that you post everything you are doing loadwise. The competition sees that. And can easily figure out what load you are doing. I prefer to keep that info between me and Load One and not give the competition a foot in the door, so to speak.
Well ,if you have noticed over the last 5 to 6 months, I don't post every load or every Location either on EO or FB . The Haters have followed ME from Bolt Express to Active/RRE to Load 1 and "MOST " are leased to L-1 . I don't know why they don't like me Posting loads , but to keep the Mumbling to Minimal , I just post alot less , especially on EO .
Well atleast I havn't been given a Cheerleader Uniform ,,, Yet ..I deleted my Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger over a year ago. All 3 seemed too intrusive into my life where they dont need to be sticking their nose into. And I was addicted, spending too much time on there as well.
I dont follow every move that you make. But you make it difficult for anyone not to notice what you do as well.
You must be a real popular dude to be followed and loved by so
Well atleast I havn't been given a Cheerleader Uniform ,,, Yet ..
Not to stick my nose where it doesnt belong, or anything, but if you are on flat rate, does it really matter what the carrier charges? Just saying.