Oh yes. Forgot all about It. In route to Florida ATM.
We stopped at a flying j in Kansas City MO after spending the night in a casino parking lot. Casino was good, flying j was garbage. Took the pup out and he was having difficulty managing to not step in all the other dog

around. Garbage cans tipped over, there was a dually truck in the spot behind us, missing BOTH rear wheels, sitting on the rotor. Seemed like a good place to setup shop. We got deaded to Kansas City to layover. All the truck stops were garbage and the flying j was the only one with parking still.
Any who, we accepted a load out for the following morning. It was around 8pm?ish and I was in the process of my nightly routine, you know, irritating the

out of the wife, wrestling her trying to get a mouth hug, she was putting up a good fight until we feel a large ...bump?, truck shakes a little and we look at each other and say, you got to be kidding me. We open the curtain to see a Werner trailer placed gracefully in the space our mirrior once occupied. (Mirrior is now folded in against the door). He pulls up and I start to put pants on thinking he is getting out. Negatory, he was just setting up for another love bump. He starts to back up again and with one tug of the air horn he stops and pulls forward. Ok, now he's getting out. Start to get my shoes on and look whose on his way back again.. mr can't find the hole.. I blast the air horn again and hold it for a second hoping he gets the point to get out and

ing look. Now I'm dressed and exiting the truck, guy on the opposite side of the vacant spot pokes out of his window and says what's the issue!? I responded with "this guy won't stop trying to rape my truck with his trailer". It was at this point mr Werner guy (who still has not gotten out to look) was setting up again and now getting ready to rape this other guys truck. After a couple of blasts from his air horn mr Werner has come to a stop. We now have about 30 different truck drivers walking around. Now it's a party.
They help him get into the spot while me and the wife are calling FedEx and expeditors. I am patiently waiting outside his truck for 5ish min when he looks out the window and says "what's up". I said "I dunno, thinking we should maybe handle the issue of you

slapping my mirrior with your trailer" he says "what!?, I hit you!?"
Yeppers kind sir and I have to leave at 4am so let's get this show on the road. (I was speaking with the trainer, of the guy who backed into me). He gets out of the truck, looks at the mirrior, then at the trailer, then at the mirror, then at the trailer, repeat a few more times, you get the idea. During this process I am getting the information I need from the trainee which consisted of the following
- driver name
- company name
- picture of insurance card
- tractor number and trailer number (I also took pics of everything
- dot number
The trainer refused to accept he hit me. For good reason I assume, I'm sure he didn't feel anything, and there are some shady people out there. I get it and I'm not upset. But you did hit me, I don't care to convince you, and I don't care if you believe me or not If you don't want to acknowledge it, that's cool, but I'll have to call a police officer. After playing csi for 20 minutes trying to find the broken piece (basically the shroud of the mirrior broke off) it finally turns up, wedged underneath his tire. Pretty much ended his argument at that point. We squared everything away with our company and he had to call his. I waited around to make sure he had everything he needed, I spoke with the trainee for a bit, he said sorry, I just said

happens, wasn't a huge deal, but it takes 2 minutes to get out and look. May not be so lucky next time. I'm sure not every driver would have been as calm as me.
So, mirrior is still broken. Not gonna lose a day of running to get it fixed right now. We'll drop it off at freightliner on our time off. Mirrior still functions as it should, just not pretty.