communication over the year's


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
US Navy
how far communication have come over the year's, just before i started with roberts express drivers had to stop every 4 hours to call in and say where they were etc
plus the pagers that were carry to answer the call for the next run
when I started they had clink to keep track of all units on the road and waitting for next run
had cue pager , plus there were other pagers , but cue pager was the best
cell phones had been around for a while and they had a big box , had mind under passenger seat
there were all those roming fee's so was careful not to use it to much
if you called in they always want to put you on hold, told them you put me on hold will hang up at $.50 per min
then put in satellite phone, that was cheaper than a cell phone, that was a 30 lbs black box under passenger seat
then cell phone became smaller and cheaper, pagers be came a thing of pass, so did away with satellite phone
also pay phone went away , at one time there was one on every street corner
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Seasoned Expediter
I wiped a lot of hand sets down with rubbing alcohol on paper towels before using those pay phones ( dialing toll free numbers ) to call dispatch to keep down "minutes used " on my cell phone .
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Veteran Expediter
Way back in my JB Hunt days, I was on the pay phone, on hold, so long I fell asleep. Luckily, there was a bench to sit on. The ridiculous part was I was at the terminal, but had to call in from the phone

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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter


Veteran Expediter
I wiped a lot of hand sets down with rubbing alcohol on paper towels before using those pay phones ( dialing toll free numbers ) to call dispatch to keep down "minutes used " on my cell phone .

LoL... nothing worse than a stinky payphone at a truck stop that had nasty greasy ears all over it. Lots of people don't bother to wash their hands after using the bathroom. You surely saved yourself from all sorts of illness and disease lol..

I remember people on the CB in truckstops selling phone cards. Penny a minute long distance phone cards or whatever. They were usually sketchy looking types about a rung or two above the people walking around with fake gold jewelry for sale.
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Seasoned Expediter
.... and one of my favorites while sitting at a truckstop is when a vehicle pulls up in front of my van and a shady person gets out opens the trunk and begins the sales pitch .... it's all new in the box , un-open , none of it stolen ...


Veteran Expediter
.... and one of my favorites while sitting at a truckstop is when a vehicle pulls up in front of my van and a shady person gets out opens the trunk and begins the sales pitch .... it's all new in the box , un-open , none of it stolen ...
Yea rightttttttt.