Does ISIS understand great forces will soon align against them?


Veteran Expediter
ISIS slaughters and slaughters and slaughters. In the most horrific way, they slaughter men, women and children. ISIS taunts the civilized world. Soon, very soon ISIS will be subjected to overwhelming military power. ISIS cannot be seen as part of the human race.

When the Western Allies finally act, take no ISIS prisoners. Let there be no Gitmo detainees. No military courts or tribunals for ISIS. They are beyond rehabilitation or due process. The atrocities being committed everyday by ISIS would have made the most fervent Nazi blush. Eliminate every ISIS fighter, every ISIS sympathizer. Let it be the most thorough annihilation known to man. God, let it be so.

ISIS slaughter 250 Syrian soldiers in desert mass execution  | Mail Online


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
People in the civilized world need to understand more about ISIS. They have been allowed to develop and flourish due mainly to the foreign policy weakness and confusion of the Obama administration and the resulting timidity of allies who don't know whether or not they can count on the US as a willing and able partner. With their influence among muslims and their considerable financial resources it's just a matter of time until they get their hands on nuclear materials from one of the rogue states like N. Korea, Pakistan or Iran. All this is happening while the USA is being governed by an impotent Congress and a 40-handicap golfer in the Oval Office.

11 Reasons Why ISIS Might Be More Dangerous Than al-Qaeda
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
King Putz has NO clue what to do. It's not a "cut and run" situation. Allies? They don't trust Obama, they know he is not dependable.

They Jackweed in Chief ANNOUNCES when we are going to cut and run, so ISIS KNEW when to plan their advance. How long they needed to build up supplies etc.

He says we don't have a strategy yet. Well, guess what bubba, it's too late to start now. Plans SHOULD have been in place BEFORE you cut and run, just in case. This is the result of electing idiots.

[h=1]Obama tamps down prospect of strikes in Syria[/h]
"we don't have a strategy yet"


Veteran Expediter
ISIS is now holding a 26 year-old American woman hostage. The Islamic State terrorists are threatening to kill the American woman unless a ransom of $6.6 million is paid and they are also demanding the release of some fellow terrorists jailed in the West.

Imagine the public outrage in the United States if an American female is put to death by these savages. ISIS prefers the most barbaric means of execution for propaganda purposes. America's national pysche is not prepared for the horrors ISIS visits upon its captives.


Veteran Expediter
Bunch of BS beheading war hyping propaganda hysteria. They said Iraqis were tossing babies from incubators in Kuwaiti hospital before gulf war I. Was a lie. Not the first time won't be the last. ISIS was our ally in Syria now they're the bad guys in Iraq. How about we leave them to their own devices over there and take care of our own problems? Not a novel idea or anything but it's not as if we've solved anything in 25 years of sanctions and cruise missles. How many hundreds of billions wasted and the war profiteers haven't bilked quiet enough just yet.

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Veteran Expediter
Bunch of BS beheading war hyping propaganda hysteria. They said Iraqis were tossing babies from incubators in Kuwaiti hospital before gulf war I. Was a lie. Not the first time won't be the last. ISIS was our ally in Syria now they're the bad guys in Iraq. How about we leave them to their own devices over there and take care of our own problems? Not a novel idea or anything but it's not as if we've solved anything in 25 years of sanctions and cruise missles. How many hundreds of billions wasted and the war profiteers haven't bilked quiet enough just yet.

Sent from my C811 4G using EO Forums mobile app

I can respect opposition to war. What I cannot respect is calling the gruesome slaughter of innocent men, women and children as BS. The atrocities attributed to ISIS are well documented facts.


Veteran Expediter
Then we need to quit financing these groups directly or indirectly. It always comes back to that. The blood is on our hands for meddling in international affairs we really have no business meddling in.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
Keep in mind that there is only 80k of them. Pull our people out and throw some arms to the Kurds. If they get to big, just sit back and watch Iran go marching in there. They have a lot more to lose than we do. Iran doesn't want that group sitting on its border.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Maybe if we taught them something constructive and useful they could feel good about themselves and calm down. At Silver Dollar City they have shops with demonstrations of things like making brooms, making glass, etc.. Maybe we should just teach them how glass is made.


Veteran Expediter
ISIS slaughters and slaughters and slaughters. In the most horrific way, they slaughter men, women and children. ISIS taunts the civilized world. Soon, very soon ISIS will be subjected to overwhelming military power. ISIS cannot be seen as part of the human race.

When the Western Allies finally act, take no ISIS prisoners. Let there be no Gitmo detainees. No military courts or tribunals for ISIS. They are beyond rehabilitation or due process. The atrocities being committed everyday by ISIS would have made the most fervent Nazi blush. Eliminate every ISIS fighter, every ISIS sympathizer. Let it be the most thorough annihilation known to man. God, let it be so.

ISIS slaughter 250 Syrian soldiers in desert mass execution* | Mail Online

When you believe that a group of people "cannot be seen as part of the human race", then you are exactly as they are, because that's how they feel about many [all?] of us.
We may well be able [at great cost, and I don't mean just money, which, BTW, we can't afford] wage a scorched earth war to remove every trace of them from the Earth, but if we fail to understand why they are what they are, it will only happen again.
War doesn't prove who is right, it only proves who is left. And the cycle begins again.


Veteran Expediter
When you believe that a group of people "cannot be seen as part of the human race", then you are exactly as they are, because that's how they feel about many [all?] of us.
We may well be able [at great cost, and I don't mean just money, which, BTW, we can't afford] wage a scorched earth war to remove every trace of them from the Earth, but if we fail to understand why they are what they are, it will only happen again.
War doesn't prove who is right, it only proves who is left. And the cycle begins again.

Cheri, ISIS is not a "group of people" in need of understanding. Anyone following their reign of slaughter realizes one thing: they must be stopped by any means. Their savagery has no equal in modern times. ISIS delights in murdering innocent men, women and children. They kill by the thousands, wiping out every living soul in some towns and villages just for sport. In some towns, they separate out the men for slaughter, then take the females from age 15-40 and force them into slavery. In some instances, ISIS has forced children watch their parents be decapitated. In other instances, just the reverse: parents are forced to watch their children be beheaded.

ISIS has no respect for humanity whatsoever. They are not part of any civilized people. By far, most of their victims are other Muslims who reject ISIS extreme ideology. They like to kill up close and personal. It's pure bloodlust. Slit throats, crucifixion, beheadings. They kill for sport and to terrorize.

ISIS has enjoyed success so far because their extreme forms of terror have not been met on the battlefield by a professional military. Soon, that will change. ISIS can and will be eliminated. It is amazing liberals think threats such as ISIS only need to be better understood. We can hope a coalition of Muslim countries in the region will rise up to confront ISIS as those in the Middle East are in immediate peril. If a regional coalition isn't up to the task, the Western powers will have to act decisively. Soon.

ISIS hides behind the Muslim faith to perpetrate unspeakable atrocities. In reality, the ISIS fighters are not members in good standing with Islam. No religion condones what they do.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
It is just amazing. The did nothings, those who did not even had a horse in the race, PRETEND they know stuff. No wonder we are where we are at today. Annie Oakly was right.
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
When you believe that a group of people "cannot be seen as part of the human race", then you are exactly as they are, because that's how they feel about many [all?] of us.

Not exactly, not even partially. Anyone who sees Muslim Jihadists as not part of the human race is likely doing so based on repeated observations and repeated actions by that group. They on the other hand have no reason other than hundreds of years of hatred toward anyone and everyone who doesn't tow their line.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
When you believe that a group of people "cannot be seen as part of the human race", then you are exactly as they are, because that's how they feel about many [all?] of us.
We may well be able [at great cost, and I don't mean just money, which, BTW, we can't afford] wage a scorched earth war to remove every trace of them from the Earth, but if we fail to understand why they are what they are, it will only happen again.
War doesn't prove who is right, it only proves who is left. And the cycle begins again.

Not exactly, not even partially. Anyone who sees Muslim Jihadists as not part of the human race is likely doing so based on repeated observations and repeated actions by that group. They on the other hand have no reason other than hundreds of years of hatred toward anyone and everyone who doesn't tow their line.
Sorry cherri,
I have to agree with leo on this one :eek:.

ISIS must be stopped now, just as the Nazi's should have been stopped in the 1930's.


Veteran Expediter
Why? When they were in Syria no-one thought they needed to be stopped. They were doing our work then. The good guys. How about we let people half way around the world figure out their own way? And put an end to the imperial executive in our own country. Not how it was supposed to be but our republic has failed and that's what we've got. I can't believe after 25 years of our involvement in the mess that part of the world is that anyone still believes more of the same is going to bring any sort of resolution.

Sent from my C811 4G using EO Forums mobile app


Veteran Expediter
Cheri, ISIS is not a "group of people" in need of understanding. Anyone following their reign of slaughter realizes one thing: they must be stopped by any means. Their savagery has no equal in modern times. ISIS delights in murdering innocent men, women and children. They kill by the thousands, wiping out every living soul in some towns and villages just for sport. In some towns, they separate out the men for slaughter, then take the females from age 15-40 and force them into slavery. In some instances, ISIS has forced children watch their parents be decapitated. In other instances, just the reverse: parents are forced to watch their children be beheaded.

ISIS has no respect for humanity whatsoever. They are not part of any civilized people. By far, most of their victims are other Muslims who reject ISIS extreme ideology. They like to kill up close and personal. It's pure bloodlust. Slit throats, crucifixion, beheadings. They kill for sport and to terrorize.

ISIS has enjoyed success so far because their extreme forms of terror have not been met on the battlefield by a professional military. Soon, that will change. ISIS can and will be eliminated. It is amazing liberals think threats such as ISIS only need to be better understood. We can hope a coalition of Muslim countries in the region will rise up to confront ISIS as those in the Middle East are in immediate peril. If a regional coalition isn't up to the task, the Western powers will have to act decisively. Soon.

ISIS hides behind the Muslim faith to perpetrate unspeakable atrocities. In reality, the ISIS fighters are not members in good standing with Islam. No religion condones what they do.

You misunderstand: we don't need to try to understand their motives instead of stopping them, but in addition to stopping them. [I use 'we' to mean the entire human race, not just the US.] And it's not for their benefit, but for our own. There may be nothing possible that can prevent psychotics from wreaking havoc [and atrocities] upon innocent people, but how do we know, if we simply declare them not human and kill them whenever they appear? This is particularly troublesome, with the U.S. being expected to come to the rescue of every persecuted population, whether the persecution is [even indirectly] our fault or not. War costs too dam much, and it's only a temporary fix, anyhow. We ought to be at least trying to find a better way to resolve our differences, and it bothers me that no one ever mentions that.
When you believe the 'enemy' is not human, it relieves you of the obligation to behave as one yourself, and that worries me as much as ISIS does.


Veteran Expediter
I plead ignorant. What did Miss Oakly say?

I seem to recall asking that once, too, and getting no reply. But I'm guessing it wasn't what she said at Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee [London, 1887]. Having heard that women were known to flirt with Prince Albert in front of his wife, Annie ignored his outstretched hand to shake his wife's first. She said "You'll have to forgive me - I'm an American, and in America, women come first."
Not the remark, but the behavior, and the motive that prompted it, are just one of many things I admire about her.


Veteran Expediter
I read an amusing article online War Propaganda Works. The polls from a year ago show 62% of Americans opposed the use of force in Syria in support of rebels while 20% supported the use of force. Fast forward to now and 63% of Americans support the use of force against the rebels in Syria while 16% oppose the use of force. If that doesn't show what a farce this whole ordeal is I don't know what does. Anyone still believe that a hostage had his head lopped off even though the video never showed it?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
On one hand you are talking about force to support the rebels and on the other you are talking about force against the rebels so your comparison isn't a comparison at all.
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