Truck Topics
Are you watching your weight? (Your straight truck weight, that is)
"We see problems when that new driver picks up a load and doesn't weigh it at a truck stop. He'll think that because he -
EO Featured Products
b>The All-American Truck Stop Cookbook The trucks have all stopped at The All-American Truck Stop Cookbook, which con -
A new truck with a special heritage - The King Leisure
"We can design just about anything that will fit inside this truck," says Middle Georgia's General Manager. "This des -
Special Report - OOIDA mobilizes members to help pass Kennedy amendment
OOIDA members across the country called their elected representatives and trucking radio shows, whose hosts helped sprea -
Watching the clock - Have the new HOS rules impacted expediting?
"My main concern was with drivers being held up at the shippers and how we were going to react to that. I put notice ou