In The News
Economic Crisis Has People on the Move
As a result of the state of the economy and high rates of unemployment in some states, people flocked out of the Rust... -
UCR enforcement on hold
The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance has announced a moratorium on enforcement of the Unified Carrier Registration ... -
EOBR rule one step closer to final completion, sent to OMB Dec. 17
A final rule has been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget regarding electronic on-board recorders (EOBRs... -
Arrow Defaulted on Lawsuit Settlement; Resurrected Web Site Raises Questions
More information has come to light on the financial woes of Arrow Trucking, which suspended operations abruptly right... -
Expiration of Biodiesel Credit Leaves Producers and Retailers Uncertain
The biodiesel tax credit expired at the end of last week, leaving biodiesel producers and truckstops in uncertainty o...