In The News
Millions in Unpaid Claims Surface at Arrow Trucking
Arrow Trucking may owe between $2.25 million and $5 million in unpaid civil damages and medical claims the company le... -
Obama Announces Comprehensive Plan For Clean Energy
At a meeting with a bipartisan group of governors, President Barack Obama laid out plans to boost biofuels production... -
West Virginia governor wants to increase tolling options
A plan from Gov. Joe Manchin to open up the possibility of more toll roads in West Virginia has been presented to the... -
DOT Proposes Changes to Drug Testing Procedures
The Department of Transportation is proposing to amend certain provisions of its drug testing procedures, to create c... -
ATA Is Among Those Calling for Reform of Commodities Markets
Excessive speculation in commodities markets helped create the economic crisis and plays a significant role in fuel p...