In The News
Freightliner recall
Freightliner says that by April 23 it hopes to have notified the owners of nearly 9,000 trucks that their vehicles ma... -
White House clears EOBR rule
A final rule mandating electronic onboard recorders (EOBRs) for carriers that have a history of serious non-compli... -
Pilot mergers account for half of Haslam jobs creation claim
BELLS, Tenn. — On the campaign trail and in television ads, Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Haslam boa... -
Land Transportation Trade Down 23.3 Percent From 2008
U.S. surface transportation trade with Canada and Mexico fell 23.3 percent from 2008 to 2009, according to the Bureau... -
FedEx Third Quarter Results Improve With Global Economy
Driven by the improving global economy and higher shipment growth, FedEx Corp.'s fiscal third quarter net income was...