In The News
Americans Indicate They Are Cutting Back on Talking and Texting While Driving
U.S. drivers say they are talking and texting less while driving than they did a year ago and they say it's because t... -
Indiana readies law regulating coils loads
Truckers hauling coils solely in Indiana will soon be responsible for showing further proof they are qualified for th... -
New shorter rulemaking procedure announced by FMCSA, but only for those deemed ‘non-controversial’
WASHINGTON — The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration published May 28 a notice that would mean some ru... -
Oil Continues to Rise As China Backs Europe
Oil continued to rise Thursday as news that China was not reviewing its investments in the European market hit invest... -
AAA: Memorial Day highway travel expected to increase
As always, truckers working this weekend will notice an uptick in holiday travelers this weekend and many law enforce...