In The News
U.S. Bankruptcy Court approves Arrow Trucking consolidation
It’s been five months to the day since more than 1,000 drivers and employees for Tulsa-based Arrow Trucking fo... -
Obama says 10,000th road project a ‘big deal’
COLUMBUS, Ohio — President Barack Obama is marking what he says is a milestone in the country’s road to... -
Tolling giants get in line for proposed Detroit bridge
On a list of who’s who in the world of toll roads and public-private partnerships, Cintra of Spain and Macqua... -
Hazmat fees due July 1
The July 1 deadline is closing in on fees owed to the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Administration by truckers hau... -
Diesel prices creeping up
After five weeks of declining prices, the national average retail price of a gallon of diesel increased this week, ac...