In The News
Capacity Crunch Already Here, Say Logistics Experts
You'd never guess that economists disagree on the state of the economic recovery based on the capacity crunch being s... -
Manufacturers' Orders Slip After Five Months of Growth
After five straight months of increases, new orders for manufactured durable goods were down 1.1 percent, or $2.2 bil... -
House approves bill designed to spur small-business lending
Many small-business truckers say they are having a difficult time getting the loans they need to stay afloat during t... -
I-24 lanes closed on weekend
Tennessee Department of Transportation contract crews will close lanes on Interstate 24 East and West in southeast Da... -
Dean Foods Tests Thermo King Electric-Drive Reefer
Dean Foods is testing what it calls a hybrid refrigeration unit on a Dallas-based delivery truck, and expects the ...