In The News
FMCSA Advisory Committee to Make Recommendations on Sleep Apnea
The next step in the federal effort to address sleep apnea in truck drivers will come this summer, when the Federal M... -
Driver forced to ‘ride it out’ in truck during tornado in TN
More than 250 people have died during the month of April as a result of the massive number of tornadoes that have tou... -
Breaking News: Truckstop, Trucking Companies Hit in Southern Tornadoes
Tornados ravaged parts of the South yesterday, damaging some trucking companies and severely damaging at least one... -
Truckers send more care packages to troops
The assembly line in the downstairs parking garage at OOIDA was all hustle on Wednesday, April 27. Dozens of workers ... -
Obama Introduces Oil Speculation Task Force
Last week, President Obama announced the creation of the Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force, a working group desig...