In The News
Former Swift trucking school students win court battle
Thousands of former students of a truck driving school operated by Swift Transportation are now eligible to join a law... -
Sylectus numbers show another strong month
Sylectus has released the July edition of its Syleconomics report on trucking industry statistics, and the numbers point... -
MacroPoint to deliver the Holy Grail of Logistics at the Expedite Expo.
MacroPoint LLC, a transportation technology provider based in Cleveland, Ohio, is set to release their newest breakth... -
Crawford bill would 'keep drug-abusing drivers' from behind wheel of big trucks
WASHINGTON — Rep. Rick Crawford, R-Ark., has introduced legislation that the Congressman said would keep drug-... -
ATA Outlook: Cautious Optimism
The American Trucking Associations delivered its second quarter report Tuesday, outlining an industry, and an economy...