In The News
Congress primed to vote on contractor tax withholding
A controversial plan set to go in effect in January that mandates all government contractors – including truc... -
FMCSA Moves Closer to Final Unified Registration System; Would Help Address 'Chameleon' Carriers
By TruckingInfo Staff The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration wants to change its approach to putting togeth... -
Texas ‘Convoy for a Cure’ set to roll on Oct. 29
There are only a few days left to sign up for the third Convoy for a Cure to raise money for breast cancer research.... -
Trucking, other stakeholders wait as HOS deadline draws near
WASHINGTON — For the trucking industry, safety advocacy groups and the Teamsters Union, this is the week that ... -
First Mexican truck crosses
Mexico had approved three U.S. carriers to deliver beyond its border by Oct. 21, when the first Mexican carrier cr...