In The News
Carriers' Expectations Show Uncertainty
Results from Transport Capital Partners' Fourth Quarter 2012 Business Expectations Survey found that given the political... -
Retail imports to increase 2.3% in January as port strike threat continues
WASHINGTON — Import cargo volume at the nation’s major retail container ports is expected to increase 2.3... -
LaHood indicates he'll stay at DOT, but White House yet to confirm
U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood has indicated that he’ll be staying on as the Department of Transportat... -
Truckers create rolling roadblock in rescue of abducted 2-year-old boy
Jim Lowe says he and his co-driver had just heard Alert issued for a 2-year-old boy, giving the description of the car ... -
Illinois legalizes driving for illegal immigrants
Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn said on Tuesday, Jan. 8, that he will sign into law a bill to legalize driving for illegal immi...