In The News
Ohio official backs plan to allow heavier trucks
COLUMBUS, Ohio — A proposal to raise the weight limit for trucks is backed by Ohio's transportation chief as eco... -
Unemployment Drops to Four-Year Low, Trucking Adds Jobs
The nation’s unemployment rate fell slightly in February according to the U.S. Labor Department. It decrease... -
Immigration Reform Could Affect Truck Driver Pool
President Obama is making comprehensive immigration reform a major goal for his second term, and in the wake of the 201... -
Jason Rivenburg's legacy lives on through 'Jason's Law'
This week marks the fourth anniversary since truck driver Jason Rivenburg of Fultonham, NY, was fatally shot while park... -
Tom Kretsigner Jr. elected chairman of TCA
LAS VEGAS — Tom Kretsinger Jr., president of American Central Transport Inc. of Liberty, Mo., Wednesday was inst...