In The News
FreightWatch: Cargo thefts down another 16 percent in second quarter
Cargo thefts from commercial trucks are down in the U.S. for the second quarter, although the average value of those lo... -
Graves: New restart provision giving industry heartburn
ARLINGTON, Va. — The American Trucking Associations agrees with 90 percent of the Hours of Service rule that the... -
July truck show calendar offers fun in the sun
Summer is officially here. Here are some show possibilities next month if your schedule and time allow. Check out the f... -
EOBR rule in the works, expected in November
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has sent a Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to the Departmen... -
3 more plead guilty in probe of Pilot Flying J
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Three more employees of the truck stop chain owned by the Cleveland Browns' owner and Tenness...