In The News
Kentucky governor vetoes Brent Spence Bridge toll ban
Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear wielded his veto stamp for a bill that would have prohibited charging tolls to cross the Br... -
Senators agree to agree on highway bill
An actual highway bill is not a reality yet, but Senate transportation leaders say they have agreed to some basic pri... -
What a Way to Spend a Weekend! Expedite Expo July 25th and 26th 2014
America’s largest trucking show for expediters; the Expedite Expo will be held July 25th and 26th at the Roberts -
April 15 not much of a deadline for most taxpayers
WASHINGTON — The calendar shows April 15, and you haven't even started on your federal tax return? Chances are... -
Update Next Month on Federal Truck Size and Weight Limits Study
The U.S. Transportation Department’s Federal Highway Administration is holding a webinar next month to provide ...