In The News
Autonomous Effects on Expedite
The fret over commercial drivers losing their jobs to machines may not be as palpable as first believed, as when the id... -
What's New in Truck Tech?
If you’re like me, you love to see all the new tech, gadgets and gizmos that make their way onto the trucking scene ea... -
Outlook: 2022 Fuel Prices
As of press time, the national average price of gasoline is $4.01 a gallon, up 45% from $2.76 a year ago, according to t... -
Don't Let Downtime Get You Down
Using your downtime effectively is an important key to both managing and maximizing your ability to stay ready when that... -
'Sticker shock' at the pump: Diesel prices hit all-time high, and Biden bans Russian oil imports
Diesel prices across the United States hit an all-time high during the week ending March 7, and prospects of any immedia...