In The News
Trump stumps for plan to privatize U.S. highways
President Donald Trump on Wednesday hit the banks of the Ohio River in Cincinnati to push the infrastructure funding pro... -
New report shines light on spike in construction site deaths, injuries
ARLINGTON, Va. — In a new report that starkly highlights the risk to workers as well as motorists in highway work zone... -
Texas governor signs texting-while-driving ban into law
Gov. Greg Abbott signed the ban into law Tuesday, ending a decade-long effort by safety advocates to reduce potentially ... -
Analysis: Behind the Wave of Trucking Mergers and Acquisitions
It's been a long time since we've seen the number and size of trucking mergers and acquisitions like we have lately. The... -
Women In Trucking and Dock411 offer app to rate shippers
Plover, WI: Women In Trucking (WIT) Association's mission includes removing obstacles that might keep women from enterin...