In The News
Trump Executive Order Aims to Speed Infrastructure Projects
Somewhat lost in the turmoil of Wednesday’s contentious White House press conference was a new Executive Order issued ... -
Logging in the ELD environment: Annotations/notes section is driver’s friend when ‘weird situations’ arise, FMCSA says
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Office of Enforcement and Compliance Director Joe DeLorenzo spelled out ... -
FMCSA defends informal notice, partial exclusion of media at public meetings
Public meetings held last week and this week by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration did not require a formal... -
ATA 'Trends' report: Trucking generated $676.2B in 2016, moves lion's share of freight
Trucking continues to generate billions as an industry, move the lion’s share of the nation’s freight and employ mil... -
Tennessee jury finds Navistar ‘committed fraud’ regarding Maxxforce engines; OEM to fight verdict
JACKSON, Tenn. — A jury in Jackson, Tennessee, last Thursday found that Navistar Inc. committed fraud and violated the...