It's a Team's Life


    By Bob & Linda Caffee
    Posted Dec 24th 2009 8:00AM
    We are home for the holidays with our daughters and my sister. It is great to be with family and to have the time to sp
  • Sleeping like the dead

    By Bob & Linda Caffee
    Posted Dec 22nd 2009 6:04AM
    When we first started our here on the road we were very light sleepers. Every time a truck would back in beside us with
  • Sleeping on the job

    By Bob & Linda Caffee
    Posted Dec 20th 2009 7:39AM
    Learning to sleep in a moving truck takes time and patience. I can still remember when we started as almost a nightmare
  • Christmas Decorations

    By Bob & Linda Caffee
    Posted Dec 18th 2009 11:17AM
    I really enjoy Christmas, the decorations, and the holiday spirit and sounds. I have found that adding a few decoration
  • AirTabs

    By Bob & Linda Caffee
    Posted Dec 16th 2009 9:40AM
    We have had our Air Tabs since the summer of 2005 and as of today we have not lost a single one. We wash our truck ofte